Christ almighty.
This article literally makes me sick to my stomach. I mean, reading a story about how disabled people are warehoused, left to die, people with Down's Syndrome shackled to chairs for dozens of years... that was bad enough. That was horrific. But then towards the bottom of the article, you learn that all these hospitals are brand new, built with NATO money after the Serbian bombing of the 90s. So not only are these disabled people (and children) being tortured and treated like animals, they are being treated that way willfully and with intent. It's bad enough to treat the least-well-off in your society horribly when you don't have the resources to care for them-- that's absolutely reprehensible, but doesn't even begin to approach the level of disgust and physical revulsion I feel for a society that has brand, spanking new facilities and yet doesn't feel any need to utilize them for the good of the disabled. I can't even get out the words to express how this makes me feel. Like, I know horrible things are happening all over the place, all the time, and most of the time I can explain it away or at least put it into some perspective. But this just seems so evil, so willfully malicious, to have brand new hospitals and equipment given to you and to use it to torture the weakest, most vulnerable members of your society. A 7-year-old girl with fluid in her brain left untreated “because she will die anyway.” These are your tax dollars at work.
And this is a country that's attempting to join the EU. I guess the only bright point is, when those nasty continentals point out all our US human rights abuses we'll have a biggie to throw back at them. Woo?