All right! Mega-update-time! Things occuring in Janet's life, in no particular order--
!. Looking for an apartment is a bitch. Especially when you want to get a dog, as I do. Especially when you're poor. Especially when you're living with really wealthy family who keep giving you unhelpful, out-of-your-price-range advice. But it's also exciting. I can't wait to get a place, (my own place!) where I don't have to deal with other people's shit all the time. I can't wait to get a place that I get to decorate exactly how I want, where I get to buy all the furniture and all the stuff on the walls and paint and make it look pretty. And get a puppy!
@. I just finished 2 weeks of absolute hell. I had a massive project dumped on me at work, and I also had four stories for various newspapers and magazines in the Knoxville area due, all within a five day period. It was ridonkulous. I almost died. Thank god for hot tubs, my InterX Musculoskeletal Stimulator and benzodiazapines, or I never would have been able to push through the pain and finish it all. But finish I did! And there will be more articles by yours truly coming out in the Knoxville News-Sentinel, the Greater Knoxville Business Journal, and Everything West! soon.
#. Also, night before last I was interviewed on PlayboyU Satellite Radio about my advice column (
Everything You Need To Know About...). It was weird and short and they called me over an hour later than they said they would, so I ended up being interviewed for less than five minutes at 12.45 at night. Nonetheless, it was good exposure (pun not actually intended).
$. Important (not-really)hypothetical question: Assume that you're poor, but you have some savings that you can spend if you so choose. Assume that one of your friends is going to be in Istanbul in a month, for five days. Assume you're extremely ill-traveled and that the idea of going to Istanbul makes your heart happy. Also, assume that you have a chronically injured back, and the flights back and forth will seriously kick your ass, possibly so much that the trip in-between won't be much fun (but, on the other hand, you do have sleeping pills and vicodin and benzos...). I don't know. Assume you will only have to pay for your plane ticket and food, the hotel room is taken care of. Also, side note, assume that since things have been dicey between Turkey and the Iran lately, your mom *really* doesn't want you to go.
Do you go? Please advise me. Because I really, really can't decide.