Oct 02, 2007 21:46
You know, for about five or six years, I've had to deal with a lot of crap. All of this crap coming from one of my parental figures that I don't think I should have to deal with.
No, this IS NOT one of your:
"My daddy wouldn't let me drive the car"
"He won't let me date that boy"
"I can't go to that concert on Friday night with all my friends even if I saved up the money for tickets and a cab ride home"
"I have to babysit because he's forcing me"
"He won't let me dye my hair"
I'd actually LOVE if he was a dad like that. a strict one that cared and gave me limitations while I'm under his roof. He'd be a man that worked a five to nine job, five days a week and watch football on the weekends, probably hanging out with his other responsible friends who work too and maybe have a few beers to celebrate a win for his favorite team at a bar somewhere, wrapped in his favorite team player's jersey or something..
I'm stuck with a dad who just doesn't give a damn. he refuses to work a real job and barely will work at all and leaves my mom to do everything basically on her own, spews negativity that consists of mutilating small animals and killing my sister for calling CPS because my other sister has a child she treats poorly. He's so obsessed with himself and what is best for him, I honestly don't think he sees us as his children anymore. just obstacles in his game of fun.
My mom, my brother and me... We live in this house with him but not by choice. My mom has told him MANY a time to leave, but because she is so submissive, she recoils when he tells her no. He doesn't hit her, but he screams at her and talks about killing my sister and killing her husband to scare my mom. ( he talks to her privately about how he wants to kill my sister, and exactly how he plans to do it )
Well, Sunday I was just fed up with him. I have confronted him before when I was fifteen or sixteen years old and I had managed to get him to leave then.
After all of his SHIT. His drug abuse, the things he'd say to my mom... Things he'd say about my mom. It makes me furious just thinking about how he treats her when she does nothing but get caught up in the fights and name calling they start every week. I wake up to it and I can assure you, I fall asleep to it, too.
Like I said, I confronted him about it. But only because my mom had brought up before that he told her that he wouldn't' pay her one red cent when he actually DOES go in to work at labor ready. This bothered me, so I asked him kindly enough, "Dad..Is it true that you aren't going to give mom any more money when you work?" His reply? "Oh. I just told her that because she was being a BITCH."
I don't' know if you know this. but NOBODY. ABSOLUTELY NOBODY calls my mother a bitch without me INSTANTLY getting pissed of and at their neck.
He knows that talking badly about her gets me angry. So, it was inevitable that I would start screaming at him. Of course, he tried to pull that authority crap by saying "You don't' talk to me like that! I'm your father!"
First of all, besides exchanging DNA to make me appear on this earth, you haven't done CRAP to raise me. My mother rose me. The only part he had was basically "Hi. I'm your father. I'm irresponsible." Even when I was a small child I saw him as completely irresponsible because he didn't show us any discipline. Besides grabbing my older brother by the neck and throwing him into the wall and punching him WHEN SHAWN WAS ONLY STICKING UP FOR MY MOM BY THE WAY... He didn't show anybody else 'tough love' When I mean nobody else, I mean his daughter who turned out almost exactly like him, and was part of the reason for him turning out like such a jack ass.
She'd ask him things like "Dad! I'm only 13 years old! Could you get me and my friends some beer?" or "Could you buy us some weed?"
He saw NOTHING wrong with supplying his minor daughter with illegal drugs and alcohol. This all happened while my little brother and I were in elementary school. bubbling at the surface of that start to our problems. Mandy had always been the subject of their fights back then. basically because when my dad was with mandy, what mandy wanted, mandy sure as hell got right then and there or else. But with my mom, who was her step mom, what mandy wanted, she usually wasn't going to get because it was extremely illegal and immoral. She couldn't bring her boyfriends into her room to have sex, she couldn't hold wild parties when she was only 16 years old as if she was a wild 23 year old college girl.
My dad always stuck up for mandy, my mom fought against the both of them trying to think what was best for mandy and her other two young children.
I was gone one time that mandy and my mom got into a screaming fight. Mandy punched my mom in the head and my little brother was there. he was just a little kid, when she started punching mom in the head he got scared and ran and locked himself in the bathroom. crying because he thought that mandy was going to kill his mom. She's brandished a kitchen knife at my mom before and because she knew my mom cleaned up her room because mandy refused to clean up her own crap, she left a paper on her floor for my mom to find. it was a written note between her and a friend of how she was planning out killing my mother.
My dad pulls the same crap. not notes, he's far more verbal. he wants to murder my other sister because of her call to CPS. You want to know WHY she called CPS?
She called CPS because she found out that they were doing METH with Daniel in the same room, they'd leave half empty beer bottles on the ground for him to pick up and drink from. He was barely a year at the time and puking from drinking alcohol from the bottles.Also, visitors would come and go and they would KICK Daniel. THAT is why she called CPS. Not because she suddenly hated daniel and mandy. FOR CHRIST'S SAKE! IF SHE HATED HIM SHE WOULD HAVE NEVER CALLED AND LET HIM SUFFER!
When I confronted my father about bad mouthing my mom and how he is doing absolutely no good the way he is now, he called me SATAN and said I was preforming WITCHCRAFT because I was speaking against my suddenly HOLY free-loading earthly father.
THEN, because he knows that I have a boyfriend who actually enjoys seeing me every now and again, he threatened to beat him just like he used to with my dead brother Shawn. He said things like "LET YOUR FUCKING ARMY BOYFRIEND COME OVER HERE RIGHT NOW AND FUCKING FIGHT ME! I'LL GRAB HIS FUCKING NECK AND THROW HIM INTO A FUCKING WALL! WE'LL SEE WHAT FUCKING ARMY MOVES HE'LL TRY ON ME MOTHER FUCKER!" All the while punching at me threateningly. Then saying because I was a girl, he couldn't 'fuck me up' so he wanted to find a guy to "fuck up" in my place.
Doug did NOTHING and said NOTHING rude to him. He was actually the perfect gentleman around my father. That was how he was raised to be.
Though, he does think that my father is a complete and total douche bag for refusing to work a regular job and treating me, my mother and my brother like crap. He has offered to help us pay our rent and utility bills many times. He's told my mom he wants to help us.
Four months into dating Doug, we were sitting at a diner and he said "God... I've only been dating you four months.. and I think that I love you three more than he does."
I just.. I want my dad out of here so bad. He's just.. an extremely negative and emotionally violent person who likes to wage emotional warfare on my family. I'm sick of it. I don't want him around anymore.
In jail, leaving on his own in a huff... Either way. I just want him gone. He's not helping at all barely. He's only hurting.