Ficlet: Music *Don/Robin, PG-13/K*

May 04, 2009 21:56

Title: Music
Author: loozy
Characters: Don/ Robin
Rating: PG- 13/ K
Summary: One day Robin takes a very close look at Don’s music collection, a variation of CDs and vinyls, and discovers a side that he usually keeps carefully under wraps.
Word Count: 133; 218
Spoilers: none
Notes: More rolling from me... Okay, admittedly I have more or less my favourites into Don’s... :D This fic is best to be read while listening to classical music, Vaughan Williams’ Fantasia on a Theme is a wonderfully haunting piece that nearly always make me cry from the sheer emotion of it... If anybody wants to, I’ll upload it...
Prompt: #039 Classic & #35 Treasure
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters mentioned in this fic. Numb3rs and everybody associated with it belongs to Cheryl Heuton & Nick Fallucci and CBS. I’m just having fun.
Feedback: Yes, please. I love every kind of review, even the bad ones, as long as they are helpful and constructive.

One day Robin takes a very close look at Don’s music collection, a variation of CDs and vinyls, and discovers a side that he usually keeps carefully under wraps.

He owns a lot of classical music.

Chopin, Rachmaninov, Beethoven, Strauss, Wagner, Williams, Bach, Chopin among others.

They are on the top shelves, above his collection of The Who, Beatles, Rolling Stones, White Stripes, Franz Ferdinand, Eric Clapton and more.

She is surprised at first and plans to mention it to him but then one day she takes her hair clip with her and they are over.

The stack of classical film soundtracks that she bought for his birthday is hidden away in her closet, forcibly forgotten.

Out of sight, out of mind, and where Don Eppes is concerned, that is the best way.

This time she does mention the classical music, only in a different manner of approach as originally planned.

The LA Philharmonics are playing and Daniel Barenboim is conducting. Robin knows that Don likes Barenboim, given that he has the maestro’s recoding of Bach’s Well- tempered Klavier, and never actually went to sleep between New Year’s and New Year’s Eve just to watch the New Year’s concert of the Vienna Philharmonics, led by him.

Of course, Robin stayed up with him.

When she gives him the tickets, he is at first floored, stunned into silence. She does not tell him how she had to basically sell her soul to the devil to get the tickets, but when she sees his eyes wander over to the tickets during dinner, she realizes that she could not have gotten him a better surprise.

Well, yeah, she could have gotten him something better, but that is a completely different playing field and she’d rather not think about that at the moment.

Soon, though.

Anyways, that night he puts on Vaughan Williams’ Fantasia on a Theme, his and his mother’s favourite piece and just holds her tightly.

Robin realizes that words cannot express how he feels, but that he lets the music speak for him.

And that is more than enough for her.

fangirl: numb3rs, creativity: writing, creativity: drabble, 'ship: d/r, creativity: ficlet, creativity: fanfiction

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