Dark Cloud

Mar 27, 2006 09:54

Gram and I are patiently waiting for the VON to show up. We never had a phone call or anything that someone is going to show up today but according to the doctor last Friday, someone is suppose too today. Sometimes this can become annoying when you have no idea what time they are coming. You have to make sure all pets are put away and be ready for them because sometimes they ask a lot of questions. The dogs have been in the living room since 9 this morning and I have to keep them there until this lady shows up. That’s the policy for VON, they can refuse to work if you have animals running about. My mornings have been really messed up since VON and peti care is involved. Most of the home care workers want to chat a bit which I don’t have a problem with but sometimes I need to be doing certain things here as well. Lucky for me I don’t have anyone coming for the next 3 mornings because we have respite care coming in the afternoon so they can do her daily washings. I should be able to take it a tad easier in the early morning the next 3 days. I know gram does not like to get up at 7 every morning. She is used to sleeping in until at least 8 or longer. She doesn’t like waiting either for the workers to show up. It will take us a good while before we get use to this routine.
It is freaking cold out. It looks nice outside because it’s nice and sunny but man when you are out for any length of time the wind is enough to freeze your hands off. I had to come back in and get gloves. I decided while I was already outside to hang the wash I would clean the damn dog shit up. I now have to keep the dogs on the chain because we have two dogs next door and the one doesn’t look really friendly. So now all the dog shit piles up in the area around the back door. Not a pleasant task at all.
Hubby called last night to let me know how he was making out. I guess it’s really muddy right now out west and that plays havoc on oil rigs. He was staying at the best western last night because they decided not to go back to the residence, so he had to spend $140 for clothes and gear last night. You cannot be dirty and you have to be shaven EVERYDAY. I told him next time to make sure he has a bag packed incase this happened again. We can’t afford to be buying new outfits all the time, fuck!! He doesn’t know if he will be working anymore or not. The company is talking about a spring break up which means they can’t work. Hub is starting to panic about funds because he won’t get paid until the 15th of next month. He kept going on about it and I just told him I can’t worry anymore over fucking money. I’m so tired of it. Sometimes it feels like we have a dark cloud over our heads and maybe we should just part and say fuck it all, and go our separate ways. In all seriousness I don’t know how much more of this crap I can handle. It seems like nothing works out for us and sometimes I feel that is a sign.Anyways, I can’t think about it anymore, I refuse too. What happens happens!! It just freaking pisses me off!

Edit: Can you believe I waited for the Von until 2 pm today and than decided to call the doctors office. she didn't know what happened because a VON was suppose to come today, so she called over to the VONs office. I received a call on grams phone saying they didn't have any nurses available to come today but they would come tomorrow. Well wouldn't it have been nice to let us know that this morning? Either they didn't get the paperwork for the order or the paperwork went missing. I cannot believe all these mix ups.
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