Book 132 and more

Aug 16, 2010 23:10

I read Johanna Lindsey's newest book, the latest in her Mallory Family series. Shame it didn't live up to its potential. I loved the early Mallory books. This one? Not so much.

Busy, busy day at work. Interviewed a pastor retiring after more than 40 years, had a last minute interview with a judge at the county fair, and then got to cover the judging of the open cheese competition at the fair, held at a local grocery store. As a bonus, I got to sample some of the cheeses. My favorites were the farmer's rope string cheese and the marscapone.

Tonight I finally set up the new computer. Not a fan so far. In 60 days I get to buy security software and Windows Home Office. Special. While I'm at it, I may get some new photo-editing software. I like Paint Shop Pro on my old computer, so I may see what the latest version offers. The old computer is in Jace's room. It needs to be de-bugged, and he doesn't have Internet access. Since he tried to download a huge game without permission on it, he'll be lucky to get any unsupervised use of this computer.

Over the weekend, one of the pumps in the basement quit working. We had a small pond down there until I bailed 15 margarita buckets into the sump pump and it shrunk to a puddle. The landlord replaced the pump today. Oh, and I managed to lose my driver's licenses, somewhere in my own home. I got to spend $14 replacing it today, and the lighting at the DMV does not flatter me.

We have three new bookshelves in the living room. The DVD library is down there now, and takes up five shelves. It would take up six, but I tucked some titles behind others. One shelf has been left empty, as the cat claimed it as a new perch.
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