(no subject)

Jun 22, 2005 21:34

today was amazing!!! it was actually so much fun, the only thing is now, that im stuck at home for the rest of the night cause my parents are being silly and wont let me go to meghans house. its stupid. rob, eric and nick are there too and i saw calum and ryan and a couple other people at a bus stop on grant which means they're going somewhere....so im all alone here. *sigh* id call someone, but everyone is out doing something lol w/e

leah, linzi and i went to st.vital mall today, after much trouble of getting there. it was fun along the way tho, quite the adventure. we thought we were getting onto the right bus to st.vital, but it turns out there is more than one 78 bus. lol so we went on a round trip around winnipeg and had some laughs. haha i was sooo happy when we finally got to the mall tho. all of us were starving cause we hadnt eaten all day and yeah... i bought sooo much stuff, its not even funny. probably more than 100 dollars worth =S and i was trying to save up money for germany!! ha! thats funny. oh well, ive got a big, fat pay check coming in my direction next thursday, so that should about cover everything lol ill show you all what i got later...

last night was pretty awesome too. the only thing was, that i was laying on a field (by a playground) and i kind of got heavily bitten by mosquitos. theyr all down my arms and theres a strip on my back where my shirt and skirt didnt touch... thats the worst part. im serious, some people think THEY have a lot of bites, i frickin look like i have a disease like chicken pocks or something. it sucks and they are itchy. *sigh* oh well ill get over it. but im going to be miserable in the mean time lol

i am officially over farmer joe now. this is for leah, linzi and ryan (because they are the only ones who know what im talking about right now... thats how i want it to stay now, thanks...). i've discovered that he doesnt want to jump the fence anymore, and if he did, i dont think i would want to have anything to do with him. what he did was really really hurtful and i finally realized what an idiot he is, and im hoping i can do better than him. i saw him today, but i felt nothing - absolutely NOTHING! im so glad. =)

im going to go be bored now. maybe go on msn or something. =)

sweet dreams
~lucy xox
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