Jun 14, 2004 09:11
So its the end of freshman year, we only have 6 tests left to take, so in my mind, we're done, we're done learning, although from what i hear of the spanish test, i might be learning a little bit more? because its hard as crap and stuff we never learned is on it or something? anyway lets just say the year is over. First of all, might i suggest a bonfire, yes it was lauras idea at first, but i remember we were going to have one in 7th grade because 7th grade just plain sucked. Anyway we are going to have one so we are. This year, i've learned tons about myself, and how to make myself a better person. now by saying that i'm in no way shape or form saying that i'm perfect or anything close to that because i'm just not, no one is (except Jesus but we'll get to Him later). Last year and all throughout middle school i lied so freaking much. about important stuff not stupid stuff. while you might not think going somehwere is important it really is, who was i to lie and say hmm no i dont think he should come? what the hell was i thinking? any people who are still doing that or anything like that, stop. it makes things so much better, times 4568153. i've become closer to danny this year, in my opinion. i was still lieing to him this year and i realized that only asses would do that, so i guess i was an ass up until then. but i havent lied to anyone about anything like that for a very long time. danny didnt like me while i was like that, even if it looked like he did, he didnt and i dont even know if he'll ever forget it or even forgive me, and you know what i dont blame him because it was just plain stupid of me. just plain stupid. and i'll say that was a very low part of the year. i dont know if he calls me a friend now but i call him a friend and i want him to know that and i know he has a different view of a friend, but he is my friend. i couldnt imagine school without him because hes awesome, he understands me and we joke all the time and its just awesome. another thing i learned this year was who cares what everyone thinks, who really cares? no one does. they might say something stupid to you but suck it up and move on who cares. last year i thought i had to do certain things to make sure no one made fun of me but, i repeat myself, who cares. this year i just didnt care because i dont see anyone who isnt my friend or aquaintence in school, ya i see them but i dont pay attention to them because i have no interest in them. this year i probably walked around the school with my zipper down 50 times (my mom calls me grandpa cause i always forget) and i didnt care, i just was like o crap and zipped it up. I liked this year because i met 5 billion new people. i made good friends with kelly kat brit shawn becca to name a few and i know about 70 times more and its great meeting all these new people. imagine if we went to howard, i would have never met you guys, it would be so odd i couldnt even imagine. This year also had its bad parts of course because whats good without bad. our group of friends is holding on by a string, which i guess is ok because we all need to find new people because you cant be friends with the same people forever but still these are the people who know EVERYTHING. when i say EVERYTHING i mean EVERYTHING about each other. the very ironic thing is religion split us up. now i'm talking like there is no hope for us and of course there is but i just found it very ironic that religion, the thing thats awesome and is supposed to make you friends with people and stuff came between us. God became a huge part of my life this year i dont know if it was because everyone else was talking about it, if it was Cornerstone (retreat), or something else, all i know is that i became closer to God then i ever had been ever this year. heck my friends from church and i started our own youth group, we are volunteering in middle school youth ministry, were going to workcamps, going to ohio and ocean city in the summer and fall for confrences, and ocean city again for peer training (wghere we go on confirmation retreats and be cool grown up people who help out) I jsut dont know why we cant put thses things past us. I know God is huge in my life, so its not like there is a need to stop talking about God forever and ever in school because you dont. its just we all know the touchy subjects that have caused splits, dont talk about those. we just need to realize that we have different faiths. YES we are christian, but that doesnt mean we have to believe the same exact thing. ok there is no exact bible verse that i could find (i need a good website that finds them for you) anyway, i do know that in my youth group class thing horizons we defined religion and faith and i'm sure you've heard me say it before but. RELIGION is the overal thing you are, your rituals and your traditions and what you religion teaches is tought from this level, and its what the overal (the key word) group believes. FAITH on the otherhand is what you as a person believes. obvoiusly its not going to be the exact same as the person sitting enxt to you with the same religious backround. so i'd love to hear what you guys are thinking right now as you read this because i'd love to tell you what i think about what your thinking and we can get a HEALTHY dialogue, not one that is going to kill us. because its just frusterating seeing two BEST when i say best, i mean BEST BEST BEST friends go two separate ways because of a couple things based on a difference of religion it just isnt right. if thats the case how would any of us learn about any other religion, no one could be friends with anyone else, jewish, hindu, budist whatever they would just have themselves and thats not right or how it should be. in saying this i'm no way saying that putting it past us is going to be easy in any way shape or form. at all. its not and i know that and everyone knows that.
i was really blunt (i think thats the word i'm looking for) in that but i really just wanted to say whats on my mind, which is what this journal idea is isnt it?
if you want to comment but dont because you think i'm going to look at you any different, first of all i'm not you are my friend. forever. and second of all just do the anonymous thing
wow i just listened to a whole wow cd for a long time now, just thought you'd like to know.
ANYWAY freshman year, it is going to be weird next year, not being freshman, like everyones saying cause were just the sophmores who are just *there* well it should be an interesting year but if you dont mind i'll enjoy my summer in full while i can because summer is freaking awesome.