Dec 14, 2009 22:38
[It's a close-up of a redhead with an eye-patch and he's scratching at his cheek, not really looking at the camera but at the rest of the buttons. Looks kind of wet too, like he was caught in the rain or fell in a lake.]
I think I got it workin. Maa...I'll find out if I get replies ta it er not. Anyway, anyone know what 'm doin here? This doesn't look like Germany ta me. Gramps ain't gonna be too happy with me fer leavin without word er reason.
What kinda weird golem is this supposed ta be anyway? It doesn't fly, but it works good after tossin it in tha water accidentally.
[He looks out at the area around him though all the PCD sees is the underside of his chin.]
I don't think trees're supposed ta have blue leaves. Wonder what's wrong with'em....
[He looks back down at the PCD and tries to cut it off. Which he succeeds in doing, this time.]
ooc: Ripping a bit off my app sample. >>;;