
Sep 27, 2004 23:13

Um, hmm. The screen is changed. Iiiiinteresting. Well that has thrown me somewhat.
Ahhhhhhhh art backup. I'm am going to be doing you all hollies.
Not, doing it, ya sickos.


So my Psychology teacher is lucky she is pregnant.
Or else I would have my Organisation (Courtney) wipe her.
Wipe her right out.

Oh yes, Murphoid, you just cling to that unborn babe of yours, for ironically IT gives YOU life, not the other way around, foolisssssh fat woman.

Ah dear, Les Mis and Love Actually make one really feel very ... much like they should celebrate life.
Whereas a couple of days ago, one may not have felt like... living, well thanks God for music and myths I say. Aren't they really the threads holding humanity together, regardless of race, country, gender and age?
I would write one of my essays on it but frankly I canna be stuffed Gov.

Ooh, The Gov, I shall be going to see a few punk bands playing there tomorrow night, all for the classy price of $2!!! Wooo!
And I was thinking, I really am such a losery eighteen year old because technically I am now legal to drink etc, but unfortunately to do all of these adult things requires some proof of age. Which I sadly, do not have. For I suck.
But haHA! For oooh! Plan! I shall just bring along my PASSPORT to anywhere I want to go! Its not like I'm ever going tot leave the country so yeah -now, really, hands up who can think of any plausible reason why I shouldn't bring along my passport to enthusiastic, albeit shady nightclubs and bars packed with many friendly, albeit drunken louts? Hmmm?
Yes that's right. Agian I have stumped you with my logic n'est-ce pas?
There's a cat-load more where that came from!

..What the sodding wank is a cat-load?

Ah, it matters not for tomorrow I shall see my good friends Meegs and Maddy and Courtney and Claire and Emily and all shall be bonny and blithe!
I'd also like to say that my dear dear Pembrokians it was so oh so so so loveliful to see you the other day of dayness. You are looking as smart as ever.

Eleanor- I do hope that Orchestra Badge is looking shiny
Fi- I do hope Phil has had a bath, don't you? Poor thing! You had to sit in close proximity with a smelly boy.
Maddy- I am going to hunt down Nathaniel and make he and his modest sexiness mine!
Megan- I hope you and your homework are very happy together.
Fleur- I sincerely hope that your photography ends up okay - considering as how you are lacking one very quality and essential subject matter (*blinks demurely without any point at all*)
Lawrah- I'm sure the blue cocktail was very light on the spirits- indeed I'm sure it was the high alcoholic level of the glass of the cup which smelt so powerful that I had to take a step back.
Claire- Mate you really are such a fair dinkum bonza aussie sheila but youse mine sheils so fark orf everyone ev yez barsteds!
Le Sej- You are so special to me that you get an infinitive before your name. Actually. Heh.
Mleh- His hat I say! Make HIM eat it. Also, I propose a Bunny's Picnic Day! All aboard?
Sabastian- Who loves you baby? (, I do)
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