*cross-posted to my personal journal*
I have no one to blame but me.
This is the list of things I intend to accomplish before Olivia's party on Sunday (some as a sort of voodoo so that it won't rain and we won't have her party here anyway, but at the beach like we've planned)
- Finish painting in bathroom
- Clean bathroom
- Wash good blue towels, bath mat and toilet seat cover (can't be done until washer is reconnected to plumbing)
- Finish painting in girls' room
- Put girls' clothes away
- Put my clothes away
- Put Nicky's clothes away
- Straighten up Jacob's dresser
- FInd homes for (outgrown) clothes by kitchen table
- Find new home for old area rug
- Touch up paint on moulding
- Mop kitchen
- Clean kitchen ceiling and walls - did this this AM
- Put away paper clutter
- Clear top of tall dresser
- Clean pigger cage
- Laundry, laundry and more laundry (can't be done until washer is reconnected to plumbing)
- Wash couch cover (can't be done until washer is reconnected to plumbing)
- Charge digital camera batteries
- Bake/decorate Cinderella cake
- Call Randy about washer plumbing/side yard - also done this AM! He was here today working on the washer and will finish tomorrow AM. Don't know about the side yard yet - was too wet to do anything about it today anyway.
- Bag up Avent stuff and Baby Bjorn carrier to give to Doren
- Wash out medicine syringes and put them away
- Sand spackling/repaint spot on front room wall - this is *mostly* done - it needs a little more spackle - a fact I learned when I sanded this AM
- Touch up yellow paint in hallway
- Clean fish tank
So what, pray tell, am I doing? Oh, g'wan - you know you want to ask now, as you're thoroughly convinced it has nothing to do with the list by now!
I'm painting the kitchen.
Unfortunately, when I washed the walls this AM, I noticed that the cheap-ass paint that my landlord used is starting to rub off in places and it looks crappy, so I dug out some of the paint I bought for Jacob's room (which is now our room, but that's not really important) and I'm painting the kitchen.
It's not as bad it sounds, I swear (*all shake heads in unison, consider acquiring fancy new white coat for poor Rica...*). Our kitchen is really small anyway and we have two pretty big windows and cabinetry, so there's not much wall-space to speak of.