Jan 26, 2009 20:31
I haven't updated in FOREVER!! Time really does just slip away.
School has been ever so crazy as of late. Since being back, I have been thrown into the SEN Audit (which I knew nothing about!) but came out pretty damn well! I really enjoyed writing and cross referencing the students. It made me think that I need more of an academic job - one where I actually have to use my brain and write things. I had already been seriously thinking about going into teaching, and the Audit made me want to teach even more. I'd love to teach, I've always wanted to teach.
I do love my job, a lot (when I am based at the secondary school) but I would kill to make a difference to the kids' education as well as to their emotional wellbeing.
I've looked into doing my GTP but I'm not sure I could do it at the moment as you are meant to have at least 50% of your degree relating to the subject. If I went into teaching I think I'd like to teach English....why did I have to do a psychology degree?! Bah. There must be a way round it!
What else has been happening...oooh I've been taking a climbing course with school! We are learning to climb so that we can supervise students on the climbing wall at the camp site in July. It's great. I decided I'd go for it, although I was pretty worried about the heights etc, but it turns out they're not a problem. I remember Ben trying to get me into climbing back at uni, but I wouldn't have any of it. I really wish I had, because it's such great fun!! :D And being little is a great adavantage, I can fly up the walls! Hehe. We've completed the course now, and so I just have to get in some practice before the assessment. I am trying to get people to come climbing so I can teach them! Hehe. James is my first victim!!! Mwhahaha.
Bethany (my niece) and her mum Tracie (my sort of sister in law) are moving down to Exeter :( This makes me tres sad because I have seen Bethany pretty much every weekend (at least) since she was born. :( And Exeter is so far away! Chris is down in Exeter with his new girlfriend and their baby (did I say he had another baby?! I'm an auntie again!), and the situation is all very amicable (much to our surprise) and so Tracie, Chris and ZOe (the new girlfriend) have decided that it would be best for them to move down there so that they are all together. I think it will be great for Bethany and for Tracie, but I will miss them sooooo much!!!!!!! Oh well, holidays to the west country then!
Other than that, life is rather plain at the moment. James is working for his Aunt in London at the moment whilst he waits to hear back from the MET police (they find out if they passed the interview Feb 23rd). He's being paid travel and stupid amounts of money for it. Damn him. I really miss the girls and haven't seen them all together for ages now. :( I must get them all up here for a weekend. I must also get my arse down the gym more. I have become lazy damnit. I want to be back to going 3 times a week with at least 1 class added in. I am eating healthily at the moment and doing really well. My lunch tends to consist of fruit and a yogurt which is good. And dinner is full of vegetables too(yes, even James is eating them! Shock horror). But I fall foul at the weekends! Why why why is it so hard to eat well at the weekend. I am thinking it's because it's not structured. Bah. There seems no way round it. Tips anyone?! I thought about doing as Jo has done and giving up sugar, but I know it will make me crave sweet things more! And I do like a square of chocolate every now and then. Hmmm...
Now I am off to watch the chicken programme on Channel 4 with Hugh whats-his-name. Oooh did anyone see the Little Chef one last week?! How much do I want to go to Popham!!!!!! Talking of food...I bought Jamie's Ministry of Food with some Xmas money. Damn it's good! And damn he's HAWT! Mmmmmmmm