Jun 19, 2009 21:25
5 tomato plants
4 pumpkin plants (courtesy of Wendy, who saved her seeds for me)
3 $15 cantaloupe plants (I have a post about the origins of these seeds ... )
5 "Pride of Wisconsin" cantaoupe plants
5 cucumber plants
2 big rectangle planters of carrots
3 ruffly, red lettuce
3 round, ruffly red and green lettuce
some swiss chard, still in infancy
some arugula, ditto
4 red pepper plants
4 yellow pepper plants
1 strawberry plant (have to feed the son)
cinnamon basil
6 onion plants ... although, maybe it's just 6 onions, growing?
several trays of lovely flowers from bulbs
some cacti
some succulents
tomato cages