Mar 22, 2009 21:21
Getting a head start on the cantaloupes this year. Remember the $15 cantaloupe? Well, I planted the seeds and had a half-dozen softball sized 'loupes by the time the frost killed them. So this year, I've planted the remaining 6 seeds EARLY! We'll see how they go.
ALso went crazy at and have onions, carrots, another melon, two types of tomatoes, red peppers, yellow peppers and cucumbers, and something called strawberry spinach which has the leaves and a strawberry-looking fruit that is also edible. I figure what the heck, give the kids something else to taste. :) I also have a home canning kit coming with my friend's household goods in June. :) All for that.
Totally love growing things ... had my aunt's whole backyardto do with what I pleased in Michigan ... I edged the entire yard about 2 feet, and we had everything from hosta to roses to petunias to raspberries to pole beans to you name it, we had it. Loved growing things. Still do. My daughter made me help her plant her seeds from an apple she ate. We have two seedlings poking up; we'll see how many apple trees grow from them. I'll have to find somewhere to put them here!!!
It's all good. I love this growing stuff.