May 21, 2009 10:20
today i played my harvest moon : tree of tranquility after hiatus for a while.
yaaayy I've finished my first 4 rainbow and finally i reach the 5th harvest spirte's tree!!! I'm ssooo HAPPY. THIS IS THE LAST TREE OKAY. I'm so close to the end of the gaameeee.
after that bloody crybaby purple sprite finished crying he finally give the raainbow recipe -__-;;. and here is the recipe:
1. Tuna ( I have 2 in my refrigerator so it won't be any problem)
2. Lapis Lazuli (have this one in my storage)
3. Red Honey (easy to find)
4. Snowflake flower (have a bunch on my garden)
and then. 5. Perfect Honeydew
I TOTALLY forgot to save this one!! This plant grow on SUMMER when I'm on WINTER now. Meaning : I have to wait another 2,5 SEASON to finish the quest.
nintendo wii,
harvest moon