hey hey hey! look who's here :D

May 09, 2009 11:09


it's been 1235154567125756 years since I last updated my LJ.. no, I'm not dead yet! I still love my mizutani icon <33
(just too lazy because my english is suck and i don't have any interesting topic to talk about xDD;;;)


how's everybody doing? I'm absolutely great here! Except i have this terrible tootache lately, LOL it's actually my first tootache ever in my entire life. xDDDDDDDD

NICONICO DOUGA is my main fandom right now, hahahha i loooooveee niconico chorus! some of them really have a beautiful voice TAT AND TOURAI IS MY FAVOURITE . everybody sems like anima (i love anima too btw), clear, ASK, etc, but still, Tourai has that unique and mature voice *drools. Anybody who don't know what is niconico chorus, go watch em! you can find it in youtube, just type "niconico chorus" or should i say "nicocico tourai" ahahahhahhahaha.... they mostly do a cover for vocaloid songs, though..

tourai, niconico

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