Oct 13, 2006 23:53
Warm rays kiss the earth
The sky a deep golden red
The sun surrenders
Staring speckled grey
A sad, solemn name engraved
Solitary gravestone
Dark night settles in
A days demise encroaching
Summer says goodbye
Soccer Practice
I stop
Stand still
Stare at the moon
Glowing against a sky
Blue and orange
Only for a moment
This hue
Alone in time
Ticking away with the seconds
I feel
Solid ground
Grass beneath my feet
My feet
Dark roots
Meeting my brain
Where I think
The air thick
The scent of the earth
The perpetual pause
Cool, still
And I feel
In this moment
This singular moment
I feel
Things never articulated
I feel
Filling my cleats
My hearts cadence
The leaves
The air
The sky
One moment
I’m fulfilled