rocks, life

Jan 17, 2005 17:38

y r ppl sayin im not as ku as a rock?? I AM! rnt i? well answer that in mi poll, but im so ku'ler then a rock! trust me!

LoOpLAtLMwliLpL: am i kuuler then a rock?!
Countryluver451: ya

look she admmits that im kuuler then a rock y cant u ppl!!!!!
ser im kuuler then cheese or even pocket lint...but a rock! seriously ppl i am SO kuuler then a it!

uno wut? i thnk mi life has gotten better; due 2 alot of things that used 2 happen! ya well thats cuz i have the best frineds ...i thnk ive gotten wiser 2..ok lets c if i can give u sum wise advice...ummmmm..o lets try...u havent lived life unless u pull down ur pants and slid on the ice!! LLAMA!! o fer u ppl hu dont no wut that means its....llamas laugh at mi ass! LOL but anyway theres lots more frineds that r 2 important 2 mention in here so uno uno hu u r! and hu u rnt!!!! ya so those hu shall not b named prolly saved mi life at 1 point or another or atleast helped out w sum of mi problems!! THNKX U GUYS!
idk y im so cheerful today or anyother day..o ino hehe silly me but sum of u could prolly fig that out and sum might have sum difficulty not mentionin anybody hu would have trouble (mike LOL)
LLAMA ya ok let me fill u in! mike- mi cuz...were down stairs playin pool and this ctian topic about boys + girls came up and i said 2 kelsi:
ME: so did he say those 3 words 2 u again?
MIKE: wut 3 words
ME: well miek let me give u a hint...wut would a guy say 2 a girl thats 3 words?
MIKE: idk
ME:wow mike it isnt that hard
MIKE: ya it iz just tell me
ME: no just thnk bout it
MIKE: no tell me
**5 min later mi sis walks down**
every1 says hi!!
**1 sec after we tell her wut were talkin bout**
DEVIN: o iz it [whishers in kelsis ear]
KELSI: ya lol
MIKE: o iz it " wanna have sex"
every1 laughs at him!
MIKE: wut that isnt it?
ME: nope
DEVIN: omg u loser its "i luv u"
MIKE oooooo

ya so mikes got this disease called if u go near him theres a chance of gettin this very contagious disease.....NOT..i repeat.. NOT life threatin tho so dont worry!!! LLAMA
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