I can has backstory plz?

Aug 08, 2007 16:12

Player Information
Name: Sam
LJ Username: hardnottowander
'Hogwarts is Home' House: (if applicable) n/a
Contact Info (AIM, MSN, email address): MSN: hippy_hobbit77@epals.com
AIM: Hippy Took
Email: hippy_hobbit77@hotmail.com

Character Information
Name: Louvika Nipher Hawkins
LJ Username: (if available) loopdeelou
House: Gryffindor
Age: 16
Birthdate: March 12th
Year: 5th

Bloodline: (Half, Pure, Muggle) Half
Heritage: (Scottish, Irish, etc) Irish
Personal History: Born March 12, Louvika had a rather happy childhood, with nothing much to note. Her parents (Wallace Jeaurox and Kittias Hawkins) supposedly met on a Muggle cruise ship, had a rather good time, and Lou joined the party nine months later. She went to a public Muggle grammer school in the nearby town when she was old enough. Her younger brother, Malachy Ira, was born August 22 five years after her. After Mally was born, the stress of putting up with two precocious magical children became a bit too much for the rather aloof Wallace Hawkins, and, frightened, he left his family, putting them into financial jeopardy. Lou spent her last year before Hogwarts taking care of her little brother while her mother worked, instead of being at school. Such close family life has lead her to become a little more private and eccentric than is probably good for making friends easily. She arrived at Hogwarts and was sorted into Gryffindor house. During the summer before her second year at Hogwarts, however, Malachy wandered out into the wood near the Hawkins’ house and was attacked by a werewolf. This changed Lou’s life around completely. She became dedicated to her brother’s safety, and along with that, Werewolf Rights and also devoted herself to her potions studies. She scores decent marks in most of her classes (with the exception of Divination… clearly, she does not have the Inner Eye) and lives a fairly normal life. When at home, she lives with her mother and little brother. Her mother also owns a very sulky Augury named Fabhal (who is a sort of family heirloom), and her brother owns a pompous owl named Hector. Lou herself owns a very fat cat named Cuchulain (but who she just calls ‘Cu’) As they live in a farmhouse, they have various critters, including chickens, geese, goats, and a couple of horses.
Personality: To most people, Louvika Hawkins might seem to be a bit ‘off’. Perhaps it is because she is a very shy person. Perhaps she is just wrapped up in the minute details of her own life to realize much of what goes on around her. Who knows what goes on inside the heads of teenage girls these days? Rather quirky with just a slice of eccentricity, Lou barely ever makes an enemy. Well, she barely ever makes one on purpose, but her natural eccentricity sometimes makes people believe she is a bit of an annoyence. She always seems very scatterbrained, sometimes forsaking her dragon skin boots (by accident) for a very mottled old pair of bunny slippers because she is concentrating too hard on studying a recipe for Potions, or not tripping and falling down the stairs. She seems to be on the surface, very naïve and silly, but a little deeper down, one could find that she actually is very motherly and understanding, and not at all naïve (she reads trashy muggle romance novels, after all!). Although she is not particularly intelligent, she is good at thinking on her feet, and tends to work better that way then planning things out, which, admittedly, has gotten her into trouble more than once. But, when her head is in the right place, so is her heart, which is probably why she’s a Gryffindor.
Physical Description: (include hair color, eye color, height, weight, and build at the VERY least) Standing at a height of about 5’3 and weighing in at just over 120 lbs, Lou is a bit small for her age. She wears her thick, curly, red-gold hair down to the middle of her back, and it is most always very messy. She has grey eyes and a very fair complexion that causes her to fear the fact that stepping out into the sun might make her as red as her own hair. With her small build and rather foxish, pointed features, her second-hand robes and messy hair, she has a very interesting sort of shambled-together, but strongly built look to her person. Like a friendly old house.

Preferred Body Model: (please include a link to an image) Axelle Red (is my current userpic enough?)

If this is your first character: Please give us a sample RP, at least one paragraph in length.

It certainly had not been the best of days.

Of course, it really actually hadn’t been the best of weeks, but this day- for some reason- had ended up being particularly horrid. Perhaps horrid wasn’t even the right word for it- ghastly, abysmal, entirely and utterly horrendous.

It had even started before she was even awake. Lou was quite used to having wholly asinine dreams. Her mother had always told her that it was a combination of a vivid imagination and bad eating habits. And afterall, she was far used to the dreams of flying squirrels, popcorn, and little Spanish men doing Cape Brenton jigs with cats that very closely resembled one of her professors. And of course, the falling- Lou ALWAYS had dreams about falling. And its not like it was insane or anything, because, well, we can say this- Miss Hawkins is not exactly the star of the Parisian Ballet, whether sleeping or waking.

But this dream had been… it had been… completely ridiculous. Flat out and completely ridiculous. It was like… well, she couldn’t remember how it had even started. But she had been walking down this path… a very loooong path… it must’ve been ages. And then there were these birds… oh, but never mind the birds. So, the path and the birds, right? And the walking- oh, there was lots of walking. And then the falling- she swore she had tripped over a stone, which was pretty unusual, because she was always tripping over very weird things, like this one time when she tripped over Professor Dumbledore with a cat in his eye. Not like in his eye when you are looking at someone and their reflection is in your eyes, but like a cat was hanging out of his eye which must’ve been beyond painful, so no wonder the poor fellow was asking for a tissue. But, no, this time it was something perfectly normal- a stone. And she was falling into a well. And as she fell, a boy from Charms, whom she doesn’t even KNOW, shouted something in French and laughed (she wasn’t even sure he knew French, since she was fairly sure he was from Surrey). He was really the only face she actually recognized from the falling, but she was quite certain that there had been others there.

And then she had been eaten by the ocean.

Which had made her quite irritable, as ocean dreams always did. So she’d woken up in a fit, only to find her hair as twice as irritable as she was. After a good twenty minutes fighting with the red-gold mass and sincerely wishing for a pair of scissors, she’d finally just given up and bound it up in a messy, curly bun.

And then Cu, her cat, ate her glasses.

He actually did this a lot, so it wasn’t actually surprising. She went through fifteen pairs last year, and two over the summer, actually, but it was the whole point that she had a Charms Exam that morning- and it was written, and since the glasses were far beyond a simple Repairo spell (as half of them were already in the midst of being digested), she was going to have to turn her head sideways and close her left eye and squint her right one in order to see the questions.

Damn cat.

So after a good deal of stumbling and bumbling about, she’d managed to make her way downstairs with enough time to put her sleeve in the marmalade and spill coffee down her robe front.

But, supposing she read the questions right, she was hoping for at least an A on the test, which was fairly optimistic, considering she’d gotten a P on the last one.

Transfiguration, at least, had gone on without much trouble. She’d received an E on her last essay, which was very encouraging.

And then break had come, along with it a very repugnant-feeling Peeves. She had been right on the stairs (a mistake in itself) when the poltergeist had swooped down on her, causing her to trip. Luckily enough, it was backwards, and therefore up the stairs instead of down, which would have been cataclysmic, considering the amount of books she was carrying at the time.

“Loop-Dee-Lou, Loop-Dee-Lou,
Looking O! Quite so blue!
So clumsy she’ll fall,
Right down stair, or hall,
Always head-over-heels, my Loop-Dee-Lou!”

Louvika glared up at the poltergeist from her hunched position on the staircase.

“That was brill, Peeves. Positively. Brill,” she commented, dryly, pushing herself to her knees, drawing her wand from her pocket. She’d show him, oh boy, would she…

Just getting him in her sights (which wasn’t very reliable, come to think of it…), she wound up her arm as if getting ready to pitch a softball three times, before yelling, “INCENDIO!”

A spout of fire shot out of the end of the wand, aiming right for Peeves. The poltergeist, however, merely blew a very loud (and rude) raseberry and vanished.

The fire, however, did not.

Having no more clear target, it arched in midair where Peeves had been, paused, as if confused, then began its descent, causing several passing fourth years to scream and jump out of the way. A very musty and slightly moldy looking wizard in a portrait on the wall jumped into the neighboring landscape of the Rhine just in time, before getting to his feet and giving Lou such a reprimand in very thick, old German, gesturing figuratively and passionately to the scorched and ruined canvas which once had been his beloved little hut. With a very upset sigh, Lou rose to her feet, just in time to hear a ringing shout coming from the bottom of the stairs.

Lou whipped around to see a very miffed caretaker storming her way. She bent down to retrieve her bag (about to run for it, no doubt; not that she’d get far) when…

“’Ere she is, Caretaker!” came a nasty singsong of a voice, right as Lou felt a hearty shove in the small of her back. With a pip of a scream, she toppled, ankles flying up over her head, down two flights of stairs and landing right at the booted feet.

“Head-Over-Heels Loop-De-Lou!” screeched Peeves, before zooming off to annoy the same fourth years.

Hobbies and talents - max of five: Lou plays the cello and sings a very nice soprano. She is also very talented in making up her own household-y charms.
Weaknesses - for every hobby or talent, the character must have two weaknesses: Louvika is amazingly clumsy. Really-amazingly. She can trip over positively anything, even if it doesn’t exist. She is also, naturally, an awful flier. She was banned from flying lessons her first year after breaking half the bones in her body from a really spectacular fall. She also has a bad habit of being involved in fights-meaning, really, that she is very good at taking the bait of others to make her angry. Since she has a greater penchant for potions and other manual magic, defensive spells sometimes tend to give her a bit of trouble. She’s terrible at doing math in her head and very bad at remembering names.
Best subjects - max of three: Potions, Charms, Herbology
Worst subjects - no max: Defense Against the Dark Arts, Divination, History of Magic
Broom: Poor Lou’s too clumsy for flying.
Wand: Yew, seven inches, phoenix feather, difficult to bend

If the character is a student, he/she must have a class timetable. You need not list the days and times for these classes, but we do need to know which classes your character takes. More information on this is located in the userinfo above the application.

List of classes for current year:

Defense Against the Dark Arts
History of Magic
Ancient Runes
Care of Magical Creatures

Alignment: She is anti-Voldemort, naturally.

Looking for both friends -and- enemies <3


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