it's been awhile ><
for a month i was sitting in my Corner XD
cleaning my mind and fixing some problems ... a lot actually
*i wrote this post about a week a go .___. it's long and everything in it ><*
First of all..
For The Rest Of My Life
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My dearest friend
heavenly0_0 will get married T_T i was shocked when i read her post i don't know what to say.. I'm so so happy for you *wish i'm beside you right now to hugs you tightly* i love you girl and wish you a great & beautiful life
and then i want to talk about my interest list ...
most of it i started to watch before Ramadan...
The thing i've been focusing on lately while i'm watching is the characters how they think, their conversations, personalities how all of this changed through the time
how they faced their problems etc...
#- right now, I'm re-watching "Supernatural" from the beginning *O* God, I missed them so much ): i didn't like their 4th,5th,6th seasons so much .__. so much fun and action.. the brothers relationship is amazing T_T
i want them to get back to their old days ;____;
they already showed 3 episodes from the 7th season, didn't see it yet i'll finish the re-watching of the whole 6 seasons first XDDD
#- Manga: started with my lovely
r_p_l to read "Pandora Hearts" from the beginning we reach Volume 4 ..but all of a sudden i stopped cause of me got sick and then me going to my corner .___. I'm so sorry sweety T_T
* also i completed "one piece" to see what happened to them XD
#- Anime: continue to watch "One Piece" till 514 Ep. , to be fair i didn't watch every single Episode $: i skipped a lot of it XD
#- Drama: "IS otoko demo onna demo nai sei" this is an amazing story, it talked about their personalities and the problems they faced and solved.. it helps me a lot it's a real and perfect in my opinion.
#-Music: ofourse L'arc~en~ciel ❤ with their XXX song, XDD it's sweet to be honest for me it's even better than Bless and GLMW .... i'll be back with another post about it $: let's hope i';; post it soon :$ < get out!!
anyhow it's about comparing between XXX and Promised Land"
-Yuki Kajiura ... i've listend to some of her work ... it's amazing!!
i loved some songs when i watch them live XD , when i listend to the original song i couldent bear it O____O it was so better live ..
-Also, i start listening to Maher Zain..
my friend
shu_scarletMaher Zain - Sepanjang Hidup Awaken #-reading: some books i don't remember them :|
i've finished "The hunger games" it was a very interristing .. 3 books of exciting and drama
i really wish i can write a post about each one of these above ): but sadly i'm so so lazy so much that words in my mind won't get out of it when i start talking -_____- sadly XD i don't like it either but whatever !
though the internet was there but i didn't feel like talking
i was in super silence mood
no word to say and nothing to talk about
just try to stay with my family more
and watch drama, anime, or anything when i got up early in the morning.. 4 am. and sleep at 7 pm ^-^
i was in a perfect mood to relax I enjoyed everything i do,
this last week i was so sick, so my sleeping time changed =_=" i slept most of the time ..
i woke up at night and sleep at day like a Bat ): sleep 6 or 7 am and woke up 5 pm ><
this changing happens to me all the time, it's my way to break the routine of my life,
but i didn't want it to happen this time >< anyhow, this is what keeps me busy
and when it about to end there is something happened..
it's me getting back to study!!!
i didn't like the idea actually but i know it's better for me to do so..
even though i hate to study but i think i'm gonna try it out to decide if i'm gonna fo it for sure or to cancel the idea..
that's it all for me
how about you ?❤___❤