*yawns* And yet MORE updating...

Mar 18, 2004 00:45


Saturday was spent mostly lazing around, if I remember correctly. In the evening we finally managed to buy mice and food, and we got their cages and everything set up, and awww. A few of the mice were in less than stellar condition (we got them from Petco, where they were 15 to a cage, since they were just feeder mice), with scratches and bites all over them, but were still active, so hopefully they'll heal up nicely. On Sunday I fed the mice and showed Leah around Olin, my second home. ;)

Went to the FnG crew meeting Sunday night and worked on the comic. Poor Ryan seemed quite stressed. Afterwards, went and colored the comic, all about the wonders of sunburn. Huzzah!

Monday was pretty fun. PDAP was dull, with Hawke saying "neuronE" instead of "neurON". *eyetwitch* But he's still a sight better than Carter.

O-chem was hilarious. I'm not sure what was up with me, but I was quite hyper, singing the "Tunak Tunak" song to myself and bouncing around. In a pause in Dr. J's lecture I left my pencil sitting on the desk there, and decided suddenly it'd be fun to hit the tip with my hand and see if the pencil would do a little turnaround in the air. Well, I hit it, and it flipped over and hit the head of the guy in front of me. o_0 ROFLMAO. The guy just picked it up off the ground and handed it to me, looking a little confused.... Laurel and I were just sitting there, dying of laughter. A few minutes later, I turned to my right and poked Wendy in the side. She gave a look of mock-shock, then poked me back. So I turned to the left and poked Laurel in the side, unfortunately just as Dr. J was turning around from the board. Laurel went "Eeep!" and jumped in her chair, and in the middle of his sentence about oxymercuration, Dr. J said, "By the way, there is always a rule in my class that you should not poke other people," and went straight back into the lecture. ROFLMAO, oh my god... Laurel and I almost died of laughter/embarrassment. It was seriously the best thing ever. XD So I wrote the rule down in the margin of my notes, along with a note to mirror Dr. J's new favorite saying, "What can I say? I've been ornery lately!"

Then that afternoon we got our grade back on our presentation. A solid A! Rollie was most impressed and didn't tell us a single thing we needed to improve on! Huzzah! After class we went to Olin and built the maze for the mice, and lo, good times were had.

And now I'm exhausted... goodnight!

o-chem, biology, humor, animals

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