So... what have the past couple of days been like, eh?
So. Sunday was very uneventful, at least until eventide. ;) I studied in the library for two hours and took notes out of the o-chem and bio books; felt most proud of myself. Then I went back to my room and procrastinated, joy! :-D :-D :-D
Sunday evening we went to dinner fairly early, as Sara, Leah, Lauren, Brian and I were going to go to Wunderland again for more DDR practice. *squee* Alas, Sara's car died, and we had to call AAA, and then the car moved a bit, and we decided to just park it and then pile into Brian's car. So we zipped over to Wunderland and chilled for a good two hours, switching off rounds on DDR with these nice guys, one of whom was really hardcore. I mean, he attempted a ten-foot song on hard mode (for those of you who don't play, the songs are rated by numbers of feet, so an easy song is one foot, then two feet, etc., and then there's Beginner, Light, Standard, and Hard modes). He died, lol, by missing too many steps, but he made it all the way to the middle before succumbing. It was most awesome. Plus, he was nice and not an ass, so that helps. :-D A guy came later who was all show-offy and stuff, and it was obvious that he was slapping the pads with his hands and turning all around for the benefit of me and Leah. *shakes head* LOL, whatever. Leah moved off of Beginner mode (just barely) and I survived all of my 3-foot songs and even did a few four-foots with Lauren. Wheee! There was also much winning of various stuffed creatures; Sara got me an alien, Brian got me a gold bear, and I got three creatures of varying degrees of hideousness. After Wunderland, we went onto Dennys, where we got dessert and fried food, and much lewdness was discussed, joy of joys! We got back at 11:30ish to find out that Lord of the Rings swept it all, and then I buckled down and drew the comic for the school newspaper, and finally got to bed at 2 in the morning. Oy.
So, obviously, Monday I was exhausted. Barely made it through Carter's wretched lecture in PDAP; SHE TOLD US THAT CARBON CAN ONLY MAKE FOUR BONDS. I LEARNED THAT IN SIXTH GRADE WAAAAAAAAH T3H PAIN. Then she told us about the kinks that unsaturated carbohydrates get in their tails. *dead* THIS. IS. SO. BASIC. Waaaaaaaah.... Plus we learned that they're giving us another test when we had one three weeks ago. WTF is up with that?
After PDAP was o-chem. Dr. J was very subdued; no zaniness whatsoever. He just taught, straight, and it was sad. :( At the end of class someone asked him if we were still having a quiz on Tuesday, and he said, "Yeah, let's have a quiz. Unless I forget to write one... I've been slightly discombobulated." :-/ I really don't think 'slightly' even comes close to covering it... so that was pretty sad.
Lunch was all right. I ended up going to Lauren's room for some quick monkey sex DDR before French class, whee! I wasn't used to her home mat at all, though, and did horribly. Ah well, it's still practice!
French was terrible. Not because the class was terrible, but because I was so exhausted that my head started nodding and I was powerless to do anything to stop it. You know that feeling you get when you start to fall asleep in a place you really can't afford to fall asleep in? Your head starts nodding forward, your muscles go all loose and rolly, and when you try to move, it feels like you're moving a puppet of your own body? It's terrible. So I resorted to trying to stab myself with my pencil/pinch myself hard so that I would wake up. It didn't really work, but I survived.
Went to the computer lab for a bit after class, then went on to Eaton 4th, where I almost fell asleep on the couches. I managed to fight off sleep during rhetoric, but at the end of class Rollie (the professor) commented both on my Superman shirt :) and then said, "You look really hammered today!" ROFLMAO, I don't think he meant in the hungover sense, but I really was rather hammered, I was just so tired.... It was amusing.
Monday night o-chem owned me, as usual. We 'studied' in the Montag forever, but since we mostly kept goofing off and chatting, I'm not sure how much good it really did. ;) Was fun, though, to be sure....
Woke up this morning exhausted again. Got coffee at breakfast so I could survive Carter's lecture today. She said something ridiculously inane again today, and again, I knew pain.
O-chem was freaking awesome. Dr. J was very cheerful today; it was good to see the zaniness again. He answered questions, one in particular with a formed product called isoprene. "Isoprene," he said, relishing it. He turned around. "Whenever you get the chance to say isoprene, you should always take it," he advised. "In fact, I encourage everyone to use isoprene in their everyday conversation!" So then he told us that we ought to write a sentence on our quizzes using the word 'isoprene', LOL. So he handed the quizzes out, and as I looked at the first question, I realized it was the exact example he had just done on the board, and that was still on the board. After he'd handed them out, he started erasing the board, but said, "I would like to draw everyone's attention to the board right now before I erase it." We laughed, especially when he erased everything but isoprene and then hovered by it, grinning back at us.
He left the room for a few minutes and then we worked on the quiz. When he returned he flipped on the photo-projector thingy and then put his hand on it, LOL, and so his hand was up on the screen, all blue and lit-up and cool-looking. He played around with it a bit, wiggling his fingers all around, flipping us off, making a peace sign, all that good stuff. Then he took an index card and wrote on it, then put it on the projector; it was the isoprene structure, LOL. Then he wrote on it some more and replaced it; it now read "The answer to #1 is ISOPRENE." And then he zoomed in on it and panned over the words in slow-motion. ROFLMAO. It was so freaking awesome.
After I'd finished the quiz, I wrote down, "I saw this guy walk by the other day, and he had a damn fine isoprene." Then I wrote, "Dr. J, you are very distracting," and in small letters "Next time you should put your face on the overhead, it'd be all blue and lit-up and stuff." Then I drew a cat out of isoprene -- its face was an isoprene, its ears were isoprene, its tail was isoprene, its claws were isoprene, and finally, it had isoprene stripes. It ROCKED. When I turned it in, Dr. J had this amused/confused look on his face, it was great. Can't wait to get those back, LOL!
Jack and I and then Wendy and I chilled in the Bistro for an hour, looking at Leah's YM magazines (ostensibly for class, but not really). That was hilarious. For lunch was sat outside in the sun and I brought back the full-body shadow puppets, much to the bemusement of everyone walking by, LOL, who of course looked at me as opposed to looking at the shadow on the ground. Whee, I love to embarrass Wendy!
O-chem lab also quite rocked. Dr. J probably gave what was the shortest prelab ever, and no quiz, so yay there. Basically we just had to inject hydrogen into a flask and let it sit there for forty minutes. It was good times. We had to get hydrogen balloons filled up and then stick them into a flask through a septum, very exciting stuff. Once we got the reaction going I got my crochet out and worked on my hat. Dr. Kirk walked by and was very impressed, despite the fact that the hat was still attached to the skein of yarn, and that I looked vaguely frightening wearing the hat along with my lab goggles. Dr. J came by then and said that I ought to leave it attached to a huge length of yarn and then I could go to a thrift store and pick up some great accessories. Huzzah!
Okay, that's all for now, and really all that happened today besides what I've already posted about. Must be off to FnG meeting... ciao!