Poor Jim!!! But I have to say that this is far preferable to him proposing and her saying no... we'd just better get a proposal in the season 5 premiere! Hopefully Pam isn't too disappointed and Jim can muster the courage once more. But OMG, he was the cutest thing ever when he said "I'm going to propose tonight!" and he was all sweet and nervous. Aw, Jim!
Way to go Pam, getting into the art institute!
And if Toby had just gotten his damn act together and actually said "Hey, I'm into you" he probably could've had a shot, especially in season 3... oh Toby. :-P I'm really surprised he didn't try to mack on her more, lol.
Phyllis threw a totally bitchin' party! Suck on that, Angela!
Poor Kevin, lol... Holly thinks he's retarded and y'know, he's not doing anything to dispel that. I'm waiting for him to say something really intelligent that just knocks her socks off. Not sure what to think about her yet.
Jan's pregnant... and though I thought it would be Hunter's baby, it's even colder to have it be from a sperm bank. I can't believe Michael's going back to that! He's supposedly in love with Holly! Poor Michael. He was for the most part really sweet this episode... Steve Carell is a great actor, to get that giddiness and heartbreak across so well.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA take that Ryan you douchebag! That's what you get for trying to go after Jim! I'm really hoping that that clip is actually somewhere on YouTube, roflmao.
Wonder if Jim will get his job? A Jim and Pam in New York together... also, Jim is the best boyfriend ever. Except for my boyfriend. :-P Ben was the exact same way when I got into 2 different vet schools and was just so happy and proud of me, even if it meant me being far away from him... awwwww. Yay awesome boyfriends.
DAMMIT ANDY! And yet POOR ANDY!!! Because zomg Dwight and Angela are rocking it! Dwight shirtless! Angela's mussed hair! AUGH! That may be even more hilarious than Ryan getting the job at last season's finale. I so thought Phyllis was going to walk in on either Jim proposing to Pam after all, or else Dwight sobbing brokenly in a corner, but nope! So awesome. And I loved Dwight's "Well, it was my own fault" admission -- it was very sweet. Good old Dwight. I can't believe Andy brought along his parents! His dad in the goofy golf sweater! Oh Andy... and you'll never know you stole Tuna's moment of glory.
I highly enjoy that Creed has no idea what he does, and that Meredith is the office car-buster and raccoon-placer. No wonder she's at risk for rabies! And w00t Mose cameo. And Darryl's band!
Pretty rockin' episode. I do wish of course we'd gotten the proposal now... but as long as we get it soon and it's awesome and they don't do anything retarded like make them break up for some reason, I'm cool.
And webisodes!!!
Thoughts? :-D