LJ Interests meme results
- boats:
I love the ocean. And any other body of water. I love sitting on a boat and feeling the wind in my face and the waves beneath my feet! I have sea legs! - chocolate:
Who doesn't love chocolate? It is good. It is my life blood. - feuilly:
FEUILLY!! My french-revolutionary LOVE! Or one of them at least. Who wouldn't love them all after reading Les Mis? They are so tragic. And Feuilly was an orphan...and a fan maker. Not to mention an Ami de l'abc. YAHOO. - ice cream:
MMMMMMM YUMMAY - legend of zelda:
This is the only video game I enjoy besides mario cart. It is fun an exciting and I could play it 6000 times. - molecules:
Contrary to any other belief, this is not shoebox related. I like chemistry. - pinata:
Pinatas have candy in em. - shoebox!remus:
He's purdy sweet. - taylor guitars:
My taylor is my baby. We are in love. - tornados:
Weather is cool and tornados are the kings of weather because they are fast and crazy.
Enter your LJ user name, and 10 interests will be selected from your interest list.
I'd like to do that again! But I can't. OH I AM TIRED. I didn't go to FYS on friday. I felt sick. I still feel sick. and sad. :( bye.