Title: White Sun-Circles on Eyelids
Characters: Luna (implied Harry/Luna)
Word Count: 130
Ratings/Warnings: PG. Post-apocolypse-fic. Woes.
Prompt: Summer
Team: Thestrals
The autumn after she starts at Hogwarts, Luna has an accident in Potions and is forced to drink her own concoction once a day after that, as punishment for her faulty Teeth-Whitening Tonic. Purely by accident, she discovers that it clears her face right up.
It takes her approximately two hours to learn that she has no one to tell.
The spring after she turns seventeen, everyone starts dying.
But it's not necessary to say it. Everyone knows.
The winter after London crumbles at the seams, the Crumple-Horned Snorcacks disappear.
It's like no one even listens.
The summer after the census declares there's fewer than 500 wizards left in Great Britain, she buries Harry Potter. His grave’s a hole in the dirt behind the Quibbler headquarters.
She's two weeks pregnant before she learns she has no one to tell.