Title: A Telly Special
Characters: Harry, Luna
Word Count: 108
Rating/Warnings: G. Beware, Disney.
Prompt: ad infinitum
Team: Thestrals
The fact that the first-years were even there, smothered in warm towels in the other room and watching the telly with nothing less than avid interest, was more of a victory than Harry had planned for this evening. The fact that there were here, in Muggle London, and not in Hogwarts, was less so.
"That's a spell."
"What is?" Harry said distractedly, as Luna ghosted up behind him.
"To infinity, and beyond." She tilted her head, so that one earring brushed her cheek and the other ran perpindicular to her shoulder.
"Is it? And what does that make Buzz Lightyear?"
"Wizarding genius of the toy world."
"... Right."