So here's a bit of news for you:
High Speed Sex Causes Chain Crash "Moscow police have a delicate situation to investigate since the cause of the crash that happened last Thursday in the Vorobyovye Gory district is still under a big question mark. It was the driver of a Lamborghini Murcielago who lost control at the speed of approximately 200km/h and crashed into an oncoming Honda Civic.....Although four cars ended up basically destroyed in the crash, none of the drivers were fatally injured.....
What would you think if we told you that the 22 year old driver of the Lamborghini, Yuri, managed to survive the crash with only light injuries, but his passenger, 16 year old Christian, got a serious head trauma after he hit his head on the wheel?
We began to wonder (and apparently so did the Moscow police) if Christian had his head on Yuri's lap during their exceeding maximum speed limit trip. In other words, were the two young men having sex when the accident occurred?"
Coincidentally, Bruce Wayne in TDK drives THE EXACT SAME CAR. Reeeeeally don't mean to laugh at anybody's pain, and am glad no one got seriously injured, but this just makes me wonder:
Anybody besides me think Batman and Robin just got outed?