Harry Potter friending meme

Aug 29, 2007 08:55

Name: loony31
Age: 19
Location: United Kingdom

What's your favourite HP book? hmmm.... probably Deathly Hallows, with the exception of the epilogue...wasn't up to my standards...
What's your least favorite HP book? I love them all, but if I had to chose, probably... Chamber of Secrets...
Who's your favourite character? Hmmm... tough one.... it's a three-way tie between the Trio
Who's your least favourite character? Umbridge
Ships? R/Hr... obv... erm... too many to list... :)
House affiliation? Erm... Ravenclaw... 'cos that's where I'm sorted...
If you could ask JK one question, it would be: Will you re-write the series from Hermione and Ron's POVs...please?
The first HP quote you remember right now: Nitwit. Blubber. Oddment. Tweak... dunno why.....

Other fandoms: ER is the only other one I read...
Favourite characters? From other fandom? None...
Ships? None....

What do you want to add to your flist? Dunnoo..... erm.... hmm.... *ponders*
What are your journaling habits? (Is your journal locked? Do you post mostly about real life or fandom?) When I get a chance, or when I have something to post, I usually write a blog. When I was in school, I found a way to put of my work by writing ridiculous amounts of blogs, but now I am so busy (and also lazy) that I don't update as much as I used to. I don't really post about the fandom because 1) I can't write fiction - full stop. 2) I can draw but I don't really like how the drawings come out; plus, I haven't drawn properly since I left high school. The only things I post about the fandom are only questions, comments, or memes like this one. I do read posts here, comment on the communities and other LJ users work... So it's not like I don't do anything here....
Anything else? or, Why should people friend you? I don't feel as though people should feel obligated to friend me, but it would be nice if I had some more friends on LJ ... :) If you do, I'll have more of a reason to post here... so ... :D

harry potter, meme

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