Jun 26, 2006 17:14
There will be no fish and chipsation in the monkey brothel today, as the Dame is too obese to fit in its tanker-car. It needs a crowbar and its bandy children to force it into the crack. What would the neighbours think? We don't know as we shot them all yesterday with ice cream. Sugar and death. Love it.
The harlot is crying tears of highlighter pens. And Ona is crying tears of frangranced bath pearls. She hasn't tested them on animals yet. She is waiting for the Dame to turn up for this to happen. Mm, pies.
The harlot bought a pricey garmentarion to feed children in Africa. Leather chew goodness. Now the pennies have to come from heaven, as they sure ain't coming from anywhere else. Sobnessitiery. It has been watching Jameseth Blunteth, to sharpen its intellect. It didn't work, but you're beautiful.
Anyway, goodbye my lovers! And shut up!
Quotation of the session: "'Poh. Like eating a bun', declares Mason". The loonies wish they could eat, but Dame Lurch is being a bitch.
Word of the session: glyceride: the reason why Dame Lurch can;t get into its tanker car