Tossing in the wind

Jul 12, 2004 14:43

Hear ye, hear ye, glory be!

Ona is copulating avec la chaise once again! The filthy wench's juices are seeping over my dead body.

Talking of corpses, Black Sunrise has left us! She has left us to visit the land of the kilt! She's got a largeth log and she's about to toss it! Glory be! We wanted to join in but she only lets people watch!

Dame Lurch has broken forth from the shackles and bandy children which smother "it". Now we can take his Mama out all night and show her what it's all about. Her strawberry nipples are awaiting suckling from foul beasts of the night. But "it" has got to be back by daybreak or it will melteth, like Miss P-m.

Youthful Harlot has been posting it's wares off to traders of the night. The slag's been sailing away to Babylon, but please forgive me. Pilchard, that damn fish-smelling creature, has brought his wild untamed hair to Youthful Harlot's doorstep in a bid to secure it's favours. His skin flakes off with a gust of the breeze and his ears jump away and mate with his knees.

Now, shut up!

Quotation of the session: "f4ew kpu9r32 iur3o3ud4u298reiqlfwr4wqpuewa9r9us d 7ie8esa 7iaea7ft vfrjuhfersukeqflkuu9rwp" The Harpy
Word of the session: "Thuja"- Black Sunrise's tossing implement
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