Oct 05, 2009 16:26

Melissa Etheridge Returns to "Slamming" Rock on March LP, "Fearless Love"

"Melissa Etheridge had a simple message when she met with producer John Shanks to discuss her next album. “I told him that I wanted to make a record that’s a hundred miles an hour all the time - unabashedly drawing from my all of my influences,” she says. “What we’ve done rocks harder than I’ve rocked in years. There’s a couple of ballads on it, but the majority of it is just really slamming.” The disc - Fearless Love - is due in March, with the debut single (also called “Fearless Love”) coming out in January."

So. Freaking. Excited. Seriously, you have no idea. Okay, maybe you do, but... *SQUEE* We also know that she's touring next summer. Possibly an arena tour. Who's coming with me?!

melissa etheridge, fearless love, mle

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