Wow bitches are crazy.....

Feb 09, 2005 16:44

Damn i didnt know one fucking entry cud cause all this shit talking....damn i cant believe people think they are cool enuf to say shit about stuff they dont even know. Wow that surprises me!!! Justin and sean know what the fuck they are talking about but i dont know about some people cuz they are too uptight to do anything. I got news for those people......chill the fuck out and find some fucking peace and im talking about that true peace not that gay christian peace. Its funny how everyone thinks that christianity is the greatest but i recall that it wasnt so peaceful in the past. I remember christians hanging people in the puritan days. Yea that might have been a long time ago but it never stopped. i recall back in the early 1900s the kkk was a group of southern baptists that hung thats so fucking peaceful isnt it. Wow i never knew that christianity was so damn loving and caring to all races. Heres a real fact for you....buddism is so much fucking better. I dont recall any buddist hanging anyone cuz of there faith or race. Thats when u can make true peace with people and make enlightenment with urself. I never realized how much peace is with the budda way of life when i realized what crazy bitches are out there saying shit about people and judging them and claiming they are good that shit surprises me. For all u fucks that like to think ur all nice and holy how about u get off that nice high up pedalstool when u havent done shit nice to anyone. And u call urself religious? Now that is the bullshit of it all. I dont give a flying fuck if im going to hell or not cuz ill live a full life of peace instead of being uptight and shit like that.

Find some peace for god sakes and to let all of u know....buddism is a way of life more than a religion. Maybe u shud look up how they live for once u may be enlightened for once.

Cuz im a wishful thinker with the worst intension...this will be the last chance i get to drop me name.......
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