It's a big enough umberalla...

Mar 02, 2010 02:49

YAY! Grabbed from Part-time Lolita's blog.


1. Screen-name and date of birth, please tell us these~
loominara 20th July

2. Height, weight, clothing size, and shoe size?
5’9", REFUSE TO GIVE WEIGHT!, 18 and size 7

3.Why did you start to dress lolita?
Liked the look for quite few years (when first fruits book came out) and never thought I was brave enough to pull it off. But then decided one day to just go for it and haven’t looked back since.

4. Which style of lolita do you like?
I like all styles. But I tend to dress gothic or sweet.

5. Express in your own words, the ideal of your above answer.
GOTHIC- lovely black on black prints, sleek/perfect hair, simple make up, nothing OTT goth, just simple and elegant.

SWEET- a mix of pastels in any way shape or form. if you can add some sort of cat print to the mix then you're onto a winner! curls and decora.

6. Do you have piercings? Where?
I used to have 2 but i took them out after discovering piercings aren't for me.

7. Which brands do you like?
I absolutely adore Innocent World. I always feel like it's made for me when i wear it. Angelic Pretty is beatiful but i tend to only accessorise with it. Baby, The Stars Shine Bright and Metamorphose are good for JSKs, I have found. And i would give anything to own a Alice and the Pirates dress. One day!

8. Which are your favourite clothes (that you have)?
My Baby blue x pink plaid JSK. I wear it so much it should be worn out by now. Also my Meta Cherry Gingham in black cos it's so frikkin' comfy.

9. How many lolita friends do you have?
None IRL. Online i have made a few that I am still yet to meet.

10. What do you love most about lolita?
That it makes me bounce around when i have chosen the right outfit. I feel so pretty which is a really nice feeling as I don't get it with any other clothes.

11. What do you hate about it? Any pet peeves?
The bitchiness of loli forums. The fact that random lolitas will pounce on you at any given moment for wearing the "wrong" something-or-other. Or having big/small boobs. Or being too fat/thin. Or too ugly/beatiful. IT NEVER ENDS. Which is why I would never post on Daily_Lolita. Cos it would just go up on 4chan later to be bitched about.

12. What lolita magazines do you read?
Just Gothic & Lolita Bible and the brand books. And i have a Kera app on my phone.

13. Headdresses, bonnets or ribbons/hairbows?
Bows. i would love to be able to wear a bonnet or a headdress but i just don't think i can.

14. Do you wear bloomers?
Yeppers. Love them! I feel so safe in them! And my bf likes them too. Naughty, naughty!

15. Do you tie headdresses at the front or in the back?
In the back. I only have one headdress that i wear and it's always tied behind my hair.

16. Who is your favourite band/type of music?
I love acoustic stuffs. So City and Color is one of my faves. Other than that it tends to be punk.

17. What is your phone ring tone~?
I have three. One is "Daniel" by Elton John cos it makes me laugh when Dan phones. Other than that it's either "Izzo" by Jay-Z or "Helicopter" by Bloc Party.

18. Do you go to concerts in lolita?
Yeah, mostly. Depends what it is really.

19. For people who attend concerts: do you headbang there?
Not anymore! I hang back and stay quiet with the rest of the old people!

20. What colours do you like?
Pink and blue. Lavender. If it's pastel, I'm in!

21. What are your hobbies?
Playing video games. Painting/drawing. Baking. Reading comics. Sewing. Generally making things.

22. If you have any favourite perfumes, please tell us.
I like most of Anna Sui. I love Kenzo too.

23. Is there anything you are careful of in lolita?
Yeah my socks. I worry that if they fall down they'll cut into my legs and make my legs look terrible. If i wear tights i worry that they're falling down and they're getting creasy. I try to be careful with my clothes generally. I would be so upset if i got a major stain. I also worry about my pettis falling down too much underneath my skirt.

24. Do you have any favourite haunts to go to in lolita?
Yeah I like visting National Trust Gardens, cos it makes me feel like i could dance around and then we get to go and eat tea and sandwhiches!

25. How many times a week do you dress lolita?
Whenever I go out for the evening/day really. So it differs each week. Sometimes I just dress up for the hell of it.

26. Please tell us an embarrassing story from when you were a lolita beginner.
When i started sewing my own lace onto shop bought skirts. Ick!

27. What is your current hairstyle and colour?
Just growing my black dye out. Not sure what to do with it. I kinda miss the black. It's halfway down my back when straight. And i have a finge. As do 95% of lolis. ^_^

28. What is your lolita history?
Got into it in early 2008. Just scanned the forums. Started wearing it end of 08/ start of 09. So i'm still a big nooooob.

29. Do you store your clothes in a special place?
Yep my really cool 40's wardrobe. Just has loli and vintage clothes in it.

30. Did you ever think about quitting lolita? What was the reason?
Yep. I wonder what the hell I'm doing sometimes. I think, hey I'm 26 I should be growing up. But then i just say balls to that, i fucking love it.

31. What is your motto?
"Do whatever makes you happy" As long as it's not killing or hurting anyone, I think you're ok.

32. What are your dreams of the future?
A house with my bf and my cat.

And being able to go back to college properly. I don't look to far ahead as it doesn't tend to get me anywhere.

33. "This person is so perfect for lolita!" -

Yeah I think it about Katie Perry all the time.

34. Are there any products/items of which you have with a fond memory?
Yes. My first print dress. Meta cat print in pink. My bf bought it for me and it meant so much. Still does.

35. What was your first item?
My very, very, very first item was a pair of BTSSB cherry print socks, which to this day I have never worn!

36. Do you have a signature pose for photos?
I don't think so! I tend to lean forward a bit to much though, I think.

37. What is your heart's bible? [book/magazine/CD/etc...]
I think it must be either the film of High Fidelity or Lost Souls by Poppy Z. Brite.

38. What is the best height (cm) for heels?
Flat. I can't wear heels, as much as i have tried. I even struggle in kitten heels. I would love to wear 4" heels but it's just too painful. I think there must be something wrong with my tootsies!

39. Do you wear tiaras?
Nopes. Although my BF wears crowns cos he swears blind he is king.

40. Do you think you want to try prince style? What kind of prince? Gothic/dark prince? Or "prince on a white horse" style?
I like to be girly, so i don't think so.

41. What types of lace do you like?
I love cluny lace, but also love the uber soft netting that AP sometimes add to the bottom of their print dresses. I also prefer lace to be the same colour as the dress.

42. Do you own a doll? Does owning it give you fun, childish feelings?
I have a small Parabox BJD that i intended to practice doing a face-up on. But then I really buggered it up. So i need to buy a new one. I want a pink haired pullip, but cannae afford right now.

43. What is in your lolita bag?
Lipgloss/lipstick, face powder, purse, iphone, camera, chewing gum.

44. What is your favourite flower?

45. Right now, what is your favourite accessory?
I think any of my random beady bracelets i got from chocomint. I just wear 'em every day.

46. Please recommend some cosmetics.
Illamasqua. It's just effing perfect. In every colour you could ever wish for. It requires much fundage though.

47. With eye-tape your eyes look like a doll's! What eyelashes will you wear?
HUH? My own thanks very much.

48. What is your eye makeup for these eyelashes?

49. Red Lipstick? Blue? Black? Pink?

50. Which nail polish do you normally choose?
Always wear opaque ones. I have been quite fond of a layer of glitter on top too, of late.

51. Have you ever changed in a train station bathroom?
Yeah. Usually when i've been hot and needed a new top.

52. What do you think of "twin" and "triplet" lolitas?
Oh they're just so cute. I'd love to twin with someone.

53. How do you keep in shape for lolita? Recommend something.
Well basically I don't. I have a little bit of a social phobia/agoraphobia so it's been hard the last year or so. Am badly out of shape. Need to go jogging.

54. Do you keep calm when you wear lolita alone in public?
I haven't worn it alone.

55. How much do you spend per month on clothes/accessories?
TOO MUCH, FFS. Like pretty much everything I have going spare. And then some. I know that's terrible but I can't seem to stop.

56. Was there a time lag between knowing about lolita and dressing in the fashion?
Yeah. About a year i think.

57. What is your most expensive lolita item?
Erm. I think maybe my new coat that I ordered from Qcute. It's turned out to be more than intended. Better be worth it, I've been lusting after it since it first came out.

58. It takes a lot of money to be a lolita. How do you save?
I just don't friggin' spend it on anything else. I don't save. I tend to sell stuff I don't/haven't used.

59. Just a little secret here... How much have you spent so far on lolita, roughly?
OH LORDY. I couldn't answer that. Really. A few thousand? That sounds bad. Really teriffically bad.

60. Is there a brand shop you want near where you live?
IW or AP. I would just live there i think.

61. "Man, what a rip-off!!" Have you ever thought that about a store?
Yeah. Quite often. But then i remember what a niche market it is and how most stores' items are hand made. Moitie mainly. I love to look at it but it's ridiculous.

62. Do you shop online? If so, put the good & bad points here to advise others.
The majority of brand doesn't fit me.

Ordering custom made over the net is very risky.

It's fun to spend my sleepless nights ogling frilly clothes.

63. Is there a secret person/shop that you have commissioned a dress just for you from?
Not really.

64. "I can never have that/see that happening!! But I will always want it!!" Is there a brand you think this of?
Pretty much every AP print. And loads of IW. Too small!

65. What do you do with the clothes you don't want anymore?

66. What is your most recent purchase? (Even non-lolita.)
I just yesterday bought a KidsYoYo coat custom fit. So very much money. *cries*

67. Is there an item you love that you can't buy/seem to find?
Yeps. Meta March of Ducks shirred version in black.

68. What do you think of people who only wear lolita to concerts?
I don't quite understand it to be fair. But each to their own!

69. What do you think of lolitas without makeup?
If you have nice skin then I say hurrah! but i have rosacia so i have to wear it.

70. Another lolita is wearing the same coordinate/clothes as you!! What do you do?
Get very excited. Unexpected twinning must be amazing!

71. What age should you stop wearing lolita?
NEVER!!! No, I guess if you can tone it down then as long as you like. Although I have seen lolis in their forties who look stunning.

72. When do you think you should graduate from lolita? And why?
I'm not sure!? Maybe if i return to my vintage ways, but i love loli so very much i don't want to go back!

73. "You should stop doing that!!! >_<" What must a lolita not do? I'm not one of those girls who is all about rules all of the time. I think the only thing that bothers me are loli cosplayers and people who wear "lolita" dresses from mainstream alt stores and try to pass it off as loli.

74. "A lolita should be 'this'!" What do you think that should be?

Pretty. That's about it. Not pretty in the ugly/pretty sense. I mean as long as they have tried to go for something that makes them feel pretty then that's fine. And as long as they have the basic loli items/signatures.

75. Besides #73, is there anything you should definitely not do while wearing lolita? I imagine deep sea diving could be a bit difficult. I mean, your petticoat would be all floppy.

76. What do you think of men in lolita?

Depends on the man. There are a couple of guys who do it really well. I'm not so fond of just goth guys passing themselevs off as dandy or whatever.

77. Did you change yourself to be a lolita?

Not really. I think i just grew a slightly thicker skin.

78. What does your family and other people think of you dressing lolita? And do you accept it?

My mom is used to it now. She knows it makes me happy. I think she's jsut worried about the amount spent on it. My dad is still confused by it and does a lot of sighing. My bf is very considerate and always worries in case people say bad things about me in public. My brother is awesome- but then he generally is. And all of my mates just ignore it except Mr Michael who seems to take a keen interest, which is lovely!

79. How do you wear lolita in the boiling mid-summer?

With great difficulty! I hate being hot. I get heat rage. so it's hard. But most of the time i try to grin and bear it.

80. Have you gone to school or work in lolita?

Does night class count?!

81. How do you dress normally?

Depends. 1940's style as much as possible. There are always those days when all you can be arsed with is jeans though!

82. Do you think twice about buying second-hand clothes?

As long as they have good feedback then it's fine!

83. Do you have a boyfriend? (or husband?) Does he understand lolita? Yes. He's gotten used to it now. he's always known about it as he's quite into Japanese culture. It took him a while but now he buys me loli things and helps me co-ordinate outfits. He's such a sweetie. Plus, although he laughed at them at first. He seems to have taken a shine to me in my bloomers and knee high socks! Haha!

84. Please tell us about your ideal man.

Well his name is Dan and he is a gamer geek. He loves One Piece and Final Fantasy. And has lots of action figures and plushies. He makes me laugh all of the time, has the cutest, cheekiest face I ever did see and he wears a lovely beard. And he looks after me even though I'm a right nobb sometimes. ^_^ And his bum is nice to look at. OOOh OOOHHHH and i love his feet- they smell really really nice.

85. What lolita has left a big, shiny impression on you so far?

A few. vivcore. lucynyu. danyata, pixie_late. listerinepree. all very awe inspiring lolis.

86. Have you made your own clothes? What are they like?
yeah. i'm still perfecting loli stuff as i've only made vintage repros before. Gettign there.

87. Have you made your own accessories? What did you make?
Yeah i made some bits and bobs. planning on making a bulk load of deco stuff over the next few weeks...

88. Think about the best item you have made! What is it?
I think it would probably be cosplay stuffs. Not loli.

89. Please tell us about the most perfect lolita coordination you wear.
I don't think i have any perfect ones. I'm not quite that confident. But i'm trying to put a really decent one together for my first meet in a few weeks! *fingers crossed*

90. Do you admire someone? What are they like?
Yeah, I admire all the lolis who go to meets all the time like it's their regular thing. I would love to be able to go out on my own all the time.

91. "One day I will go on a date with that person." What would you like to wear for him?
I've already done it. And i try to ask him what he likes best.

92. If you want one, what type of store would you open in the future?
I would love to have my own shop full of clothes i have made. Loli or otherwise.

93. Something catches your eye. What is this motif?
Cats. Or bows.

94. Would you dress your child in lolita?
No. I think they should be able to have some say.

95. How much do you spend on one outfit?
Jees. I dunno. Could be anything from $100-$300. Too much, i know that.

96. "This is lolita!!"

Petticoats. And tea party shoes.

97. "I have always wanted to try that once!" What, in the lolita world, have you wanted to try wearing?
Classical. I long to wear a perfect IW ensemble.

98. Look at yourself in lolita. In one word/phrase, how would you express your style/image?
Pastel birthday cake.

99. What is your lolita ideal?
IDEAL WHAT? Anything? Being able to go out in clothes that i love without anyone staring or second glancing or shouting or laughing. Never. Gonna. Happen.

100. Thank you for taking this baton!! Tell us what you think!
Gave me something to do in the middle of the night!

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