Jan 01, 2013 21:15
It's New Years day. New Year, new resolutions. Some old ones, too, though. Diet and exercise, blah blah blah. I signed up for MyFitnessPal, and they've got a fun little ap for smart phones. It lets us add things by scanning the UPC codes. So tracking what you're eating is much easier. I'm doing a weight-loss challenge with some friends, and I don't want to let my team down.
I held out on getting a smart phone for a while, but now that I have one, I'm really having fun finding ways for it to make life a little easier. So my next thing will be keeping a to-do list on it. First thing on the to-do list: find other fun aps.
Another change for me: I'm sort of getting a roommate. At least temporarily. My friend K, another Central NYer who landed in Central Mass, is in need of some temporary digs, so she's moving into my guest room. It's going to be different. I haven't had a roommate in 13+ years. But I'm looking forward to seeing how it shakes up my life. I've been in a rut, so this will help get me out of it. She'll probably be here for a couple weeks, so we'll see how it goes.