Mar 23, 2004 11:59
Lots of shit has been going down lately, hence the reason I haven't been posting at all.
Firstly, I think I am getting an ulcer because of housing. We have ONE MORE SHOT at getting a six-man and that is today. And there are only 13. And I want to cry because that means we will live on College Road and College Road is for big loser asses.
Speaking of big loser asses, Eric is now my... *ughh* "boyfriend". I say this with apprehension because I have been single for the longest time I have ever been single and now we are together and I feel very different from the last time I was together with anyone and I am nervous and slow and who-knows-what-else. And NO it wasn't like, "will you be my girlfriend?" It was more like, "fuck you- now you're my boyfriend so fucking deal with it jerkass." Yeah we rock the relationship like that. Ughh... relationship. Ughh... boyfriend. WHAT IS GOING ON WITH ME? Oh well. I really like him. He is, let us say, very different from anyone else I have dated before. He is a hippy (ewww! I know!) and wants to be a teacher and he is a big cornball too. I am definitely the man in the relationship. Except when it comes to shopping.
So Stupid Face (that's my nickname for Eric) and I went to New Hampshire this past weekend to go snowboarding. It was fun even though New Hampshire seriously looks like a mix between Maine and Pennsylvania. Now because I was gone all weekend I have a painful amount of work to do, including a test in a class I haven't attended for two months (bio). I know, I am Captain Irresponsible right now.
But okay, here's a rundown of what's up in my life otherwise:
I quite Chorale.
I dyed my hair BRIGHT RED.
I painted a beautiful painting.
I saw Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (my new favorite movie even though the character played by Jim Carrey IS ANDY! SERIOUSLY!!!)
I got a summer job.
I realized I have an addiction to shopping.
I quit smoking pot. Seriously.
I think that's what's up lately.
And seriously, if you see Eternal Sunshine, you've just watched a dramatized version of Andy and my relationship. But don't let that frighten you, it's an awesome movie.
OH SHIT I am going to be late meeting my professor.