So fucking bored out of my mind and I don't want to study...
First best friend: Dean Bartzokis
First car: Mercedes blah blah blah
First date: real Hmm... real date? Probably Ben M sophomore year.
First real kiss: 7th grage. Cullan Calvert. EWWWW!
First break-up: Haha, does Spencer in 5th grade count?
First screen name: Athena3711 (yes, that is still my AOL account)
First self purchased album: Alanis Morrisette "Jagged Little Pill"
First funeral: None yet
First pets: Mittens the rat
First piercing/tattoo: Ears, tattoo on pelvic bone
First credit card: MASTAcard
First true love: Andy
First enemy: Hmm... I cant remember the little russian boys name that I used to fight with
First musician you remember hearing: Live? Counting Crows
Last car ride: In the car with Eric yesterday to get Pizza
Last kiss: Eric
Last good cry: Hm... I don't remember, which is sad
Last library book checked out: I dont do the library thing
Last movie seen: Austin Powers
Last beverage drank: Evian Water
Last food consumed: Baked Sour Cream and Onion Lays
Last crush: Eric
Last phone call: Casey dear
Last time showered: Just got out
Last shoes worn: My dirty stanky chucks
Last cd played: "When Sex Turns Fun" mix
Last item bought: Dinner on my meal plan card
Last annoyance: Housing Lottery fucking me in the ass repeatedly
Last disappointment: See above
Last time scolded: Kendall yelled at me last night for wanting to study
Last shirt worn: Wearing my old U of C Lab School gym shirt
Last website visited: Sangalang's picture page from Puerto Rico
Last word you said: sucks.
Last song you sang: I sang Love Rollercoaster last night
What is in your cd player?: Yeah Yeah Yeahs/Bob Marley (I know, random)
What color socks are you wearing?: Foot colored
What Color of underwear are you wearing?: None
What's under your bed?: many many pairs of shoes, bags and luggage
What time did you wake up today?: 6:45... because it's hard to sleep two people in a dorm bed
Where do you want to go?: Everywhere, seriously- then end in Australia
What is your career going to be?: I want to be a lawyer/photographer for a human rights organization
Where are you going to live?: Hopefully Africa and Australia and Switzerland
How many kids do you want?: Negative a billion
What kind of car(s): A moose... SWEET
Current mood: Bored/procrastinating
Current music: "Die For You" - Prince
Current taste: Baked Lays
Current hair: Wet, unbrushed, in a ponytail
Current clothes: Old UC gym shirt and boxers I stole from andy
Current annoyance(s): Studying for my midterm tomorrow
Current longing: FOR KEEZ TO BE HERE RIGHT NOW!! (Only like 20 hours!!)
Current desktop picture: "Every time you masturbate, god kills a kitten" with Domo-Kun
Current favorite artist: This question is WAY too broad.
Current book(s): STILL reading The I Hate Republicans Reader
Current color of toenails: dirty? Just kidding... skin colored
Current time-wasting wish: I have a naughty mind...
Current hate: Stupid DORM meetings at 10
My name is: MADDY / WILLOW
I may seem: like a fucking psycho
But I('m) really: just a regular psycho
Sometimes I feel: HORNY wahhhh!
In the morning I: Pretend I am not in college and don't have to go to class
I like to sleep: with someone else... but not in these shitty tiny beds
Money is: soooo addictive
One thing I wish I had is: My own room
One thing I have that I wish I didn't is: A test tomorrow
If I had one wish it would be: YOU ALREADY ASKED THIS YOU ASSHOLE
Love is: what I got?