2006 is going to be better.

Dec 31, 2005 20:14

Ok . So New Years Resolutions are dumb, no one ever keeps them, and they wear out like a pair of old shoes. But this year I am really going to try to keep mine going. For me. For my health. For my life.

I’ve been really good lately on my diet. Lost five pounds in two weeks. Not bad. And I was still slipping eating junk food here and there. So I think. No, I know I can do this. I’ve made myself a list of everything I need to do during the day to keep fit. No more sitting on the couch with the girls being lazy. I’m going to ask Kristen for their stroller and harness so I can walk with them. Maybe I wont walk alone. I’ll ask Jena if she’ll walk with me, I’m sure she will. I’m going to get my treadmill soon, and then when the girls are asleep I will walk or jog on it. I want to look good for my wedding. And I want to be in really great shape when I have my baby so that I wont be all fat and ugly and have a hard pregnancy. I don’t want me or my baby to be in any danger. And I know being way over weight will do that to you.

I’ve been off in my own little world lately. I don’t answer my phone anymore because I feel everyone that calls me just needs something to do for the day then I’m out of the picture again. I have a new found respect for myself now, and I feel great. I really do. Even if it is the drugs keeping me sane, I feel good.

John and I are doing wonderful. Our whole attitude toward each other has changed so much. He no longer acts like an ass, and I’m not longer a bossy, controlling, snobby, bitch that tries to run everything. And our sex life has hit an all time high. I actually want it now, and enjoy it. He he he.

Well. It’s almost 2006 and I have some “business” to take care of for the new year.

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