Jun 03, 2005 13:57
went to school w/ Jennah today..her last day..it was fun...*YOU DONT EVEN GO HERE!!!* HAHAHA thats what i was thinkin bout all day...hahaha sooo funni...i saw Zach...holy shiit hes soooo amazingly gorgeous..i wish he was still mine...*cries* then i saw Dorian..also an ex bf..he looked good today too MmmMmmMm..but Zach...w0w!...soo i got a call frm who other than Evan last night at 1am!..yeh..awkward..i miss it though..ugh whatever..um yeh so thats about all Centennial is pretty fun & you can get away w/ pretty much anything there holy crap! but yeh Michele, Karly, Jennah, Leighanna & the rest are all pretty fun to be w/..& Crystal is really nice..& w0w Mr & Mrs love-bug over there aKa Jordan & Jennah are pretty much the most amazing couple ive ever seen theyre lifers & going to get married & have 50 kids!! i swear! talked to Cody last night..RANDOM!!!!! l0l aww i miss him.. :( well now we have an hr till we have to go to work & Jennahs already passed out on her bed so im heading that way..
oh! & me & Jennah are going to the mall after work for a few today & then im going to a grad party then me & Jennah are meeting up again & seeing Lords of Dogtown at Rave!!! im pretty much going to rape Heath Ledger!!! w0w i was supposed to see it w/ jacki but no! shes grounded! ugh! ima kill her!! l0l owell..
i love Jennah!!
<33 me