Apr 02, 2005 14:37
on march 13 i became MRS ANDRES DROGUETT...pretty awsome huh? he makes me so happy. I LOVE HIM MORE THAN ANYTHING. well besides that i have been pretty emotional. andy went back to germany on march 19th and ive been here. I MISS HIM LIKE CRAZY.
i had to drive to the army base ft belvoir cuz im "have" to get physical and a screening to make sure im in good health to move that far. so the drive is like a hour and a half and the first time derek went with me and the lady i needed to see wasnt there. so the next time i got lost cuz i was by myself and i didnt know where i was. then i looked at a county map and brought it with me and i made it. but the stupid lady said i have to have the certain forms from andy to even make an appointment and nothin is open till may. BIATCH
so fuck it im flying over myself. im suppose to be outta here on april 15 but i might go this wednesday, which would be great. then i had to change my name everywhere. like at the social security office and stuff.
ewwww i got a new tattoo. its AD in old english on my wrist. its hot, i love it.
hmmm what else is new....oh me and derek are no longer friends. long story, dont wanna get into it. uhhhh....im like so bored....i dont work at best buy anymore. i quit that bullshit. um...i just sit on my ass all day now. cuz im moving soon and theres no reason for me to get a job 2 weeks before i go. i gotta pack all my shit up in boxes ohhhh that sucks.
i love my in-laws. they are really nice and they just make me feel loved. besides my mom and my nana, i have them, and i feel like i can always go to them if somethings wrong.
im not moving back to florida. i dont want to get into old habbits again, hang with the wrong crowd and shit. im a married woman and i want to start a family. but i know i dont want to live in virgnia and were gonna just pick a place. plus andys gonna re-inlist only if they can assure me he wont be deploied again. like his mom has to write a letter to congress and say this is my only son and i wish him not to go to war. and they can really do that if your the only boy from your mom and dad. so that would be good cuz hed get a 10000$ sign on bonus.
im bored, so imma go find somethin to do.
much love