Jan 20, 2006 15:46
well on DECEMBER 31st Lucas was born! wow huh? erins got a son. i love him so much. but heres pretty much much what happened, since i was due feb 5th! there was alot of risks in having lucas in germany, like down to i could die, so we decided i would have the baby in the states. so before we were flying i wanted to make sure it was oked by my doctor since i was high risk. and hey guess what she told me i shouldnt. my ambiotic fluid was terribly low and she wanted to admit me so they could try to bring it up. but i went against it and flew. so the next day when i arrived i went to the hospital to change my insurance and check the fluid again. and it was half of what is was 2 days earlier. and now it could kill the baby. so for 3 days i was in the hospital ( over xmas ) trying to get the fluid up and prepping me for premature birth, cuz thats the way it was looking. but i was let go and told to come back in a few days to check the fluid again. and to keep coming twice a week untill i deliver. well the first time i go it was back down and admitted again. but this time there wasnt any other option, they just went ahead and induced me. the whole giving birth part wasnt that bad cuz i had the epidural, but... they did put this thing called something bulb and its like the size of a light bulb and they blow it up in your cervix to dilate you faster, well no epidural for that part, that was SOOOOO painful. i wanted to shoot myself. but then everything was good. and another bad part is when the epidural wears off. holy shit my whole lower half felt like it was just gonna drop off. very painful afterwards, barely able to get out of bed. but it was all worth it. and luckily my husband was here for it, i thought he was gonna have to go back to germany but they let him off for 30 days. he left yesterday and im miserable. i miss him so much. hes training for 2 months, so id be in germany by myself with a newborn and thats pretty scary so im going back in march. i gotta get all lucas' passport crap done.