"Wow, we're in over our heads here, you can't tell shit from shinola in this scene!"

Jun 29, 2004 13:50

The flashback began as I sat under the bridge staring at the ripples flowing with the current of the river. We had smoked a couple bowls, the key to unlocking mushroom flashbacks. Suddenly as I watched the miniature whirlpools flowing about, I noticed a strange pattern forming in the water. I tried pointing it out to my friends, but they couldn't see what I was taking about. Then I realized that the pattern was all around me, I was surrounded by the flowing and constantly changing fractals of life. It didn't last long, it was only about 5 minutes before the patterns faded back into the walls and into the stream as my mind once again sealed the barriers of my consciousness.

I've discovered a new way to dream recently. It's like any normal dreaming one would have during REM sleep, only I'm not asleep, I still have conscious thought. And no, it isn't a daydream, because I know all about that. Every night before I sleep, I just close my eyes and the same wacky, unpredictable dreams that come out when I'm asleep unfold before my awake mind. This seems like an excellent opportunity to practice lucid dreaming, but I don't really have a desire to do so, I just want to watch the dreams manifest by themselves rather than take an active role in changing what they are.
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