The dub, why it's awesome, and why I use it to characterize Goku.

Oct 15, 2006 21:03

So Saiyuki's got a funny little canon because it has... well, multiple canons. And I do mean multiple. We have:
- the manga (including RELOAD)
- the doujinshi before the manga
- the first anime season
- the second anime season by the same company, often referred to as "the Homura arc"
- the third anime season by a different company, referred to as "RELOAD"
- the fourth anime season by the same RELOAD company, referred to as "GUNLOCK"
- the Saiyuki OVA
- the movie
- the ADV dub (first two seasons, the movie)
- the Geneon dub

The Goku I play is taken from... well, most of those. Barring GUNLOCK, the OVA, and the Geneon dub in general.

Saiyuki fandom's also got a fairly predictable fanbase. Usually, manga fans hate the first two anime seasons but are okay with the second two. Usually fans of the second two anime seasons hate the first. And... well, fans of either hate the dubs.

I hate the Geneon dub myself. But I adore the ADV dub. Yes, even the script changes. Some of the Goku I play is derived from the dub; Goku calling someone a "jerk-off" is in reference to that, as I've never seen him use that insult anywhere else. Greg Ayres plays Goku--he's also played Shinpachi in Peacemaker Kurogane and uh... well, some other roles, but I think Goku was one of his bigger ones. Which is funny, because he was actually a huge fan of Goku before ADV even licensed the anime.

More fun factoids: David Matranga played Sanzo, as well as Orphen in Orphen. Illich Guardiola played Gojyo, as well as Hayate in Pretear. Braden Hunt played Hakkai, as well as Okita from Peacemaker, and Hakkai was his first voice-acting job. Jason Douglas played Homura shut up as well as Marron from Sorceror Hunters, Himeno's father in Pretear, Sanosuke in Peacemaker Kurogane... yeah, he's been around a while.


There's a point to this. I do derive Goku from the ADV dub. Because the script changes are beautiful and it's how I fell madly in love with the series.

Cases in point!

Goku: *to Gojyo* Your breath smells like ass!

Gojyo: *getting a beer* ... goddamnit this one's hot. Goku, gimme another beer.
Goku: Get your own beer, you jerk-off!
Gojyo: Okay, you're gonna get me another beer or I'm gonna shove this can up your whiny little ass, you got that?!
Goku: You just try and see what happens to you, ya shithead!
Gojyo: Oh yeah?!
Goku: You're just lookin' for an excuse to touch my ass.
Gojyo: You little fag, don't project your fantasies on me!

Sanzo: *in regards to monks gossiping about Goku* Don't act like I'm not here. Besides, what I pick up or throw away is none of your business.
Goku: Pick up? What, d'you mean like a disease?
Sanzo: Shut your mouth and move your ass.

Goku: *in response to seeing a youkai in the shadows of the kitchen* Why you bastard! How could you?! YOU ATE ALL THE COOKIES!

Goku: All that zombie-killing's made me hungry!
Gojyo: If we stop we might run into more of those zombies...
Goku: *growls* I'm starving!
Gojyo: Tough shit.
Goku: Look, I'm still hungry! I'll eat you if we don't get a burger now!
Gojyo: You're damn right you can eat me, you little twisted monkey faggot!
Goku: You're the one with the girly hair!

Nii: I see why you're so cold, Doctor Huang. You get all your sexual gratification from the computer~!

(to annoying youkai who are trying to pose as girls)
Gojyo: You've gotta be kidding me.
Goku: Those diguises wouldn't fool anybody!
Sanzo: You didn't even shave your legs...

(Gojyo's bitching is in reference to Sanzo downing an entire container of wine because Goku kept trying to sneak some)
Hakkai: Let's go. Somehow I doubt they'll have monkey wine in stock.
Gojyo: The only reason you didn't get any is because of the temperaments of our fellow monk here.
Sanzo: Our teachings compelled me to do it.
Gojyo: Is that so?
Sanzo: ... I did it for Goku.
Gojyo: Oh, give it up...

And these are from the movie, Requiem.

Hakkai: That's odd... according to this map, we should be right outside the city limits.
Goku: Awww! Where did it up and go?
Gojyo: I swear, is there a single wrinkle in that brain of yours?
Goku: What're you yelling at me for? It's the town's fault it's lost!

Hakkai: You really are a nuisence, and you have a way of grating on people's nerves. I fear you may be socially maladjusted. Or perhaps I was right before when I called you a mentally deficient, cross-dressing freakshow with a bird fetish.
Dougan: ... I'll take the former...

Sanzo: Hmph. And what about you two dorks? What proof do you have you're as stupid as the originals?

Gojyo: You bastard. The only one who's allowed to beat the tar outta him is me.
Dougan: So, the emasculated man has a problem with how I toss his monkey.

... and my personal favorite from the movie:

Dougan: I don't like him at all, Master Sanzo! He's just a big fat meanie!

So yes. That's why you should love the dub. And that's why I derive aspects of Goku's character from it.
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