(no subject)

Sep 22, 2006 12:51

Name: Son Goku
Height: approx. 5'4"
Hair: brown
Eyes: gold (yes... gold. not yellow. gold. canon is very explicit with this for a reason. ♥)
Physical traits: The most remarkable physical trait on Goku are his eyes. Under his clothes he's also a scrawny/muscled build--he fights very well and is pretty damn flexible.

What's OK to mention around him: Pretty much anything! More like, what isn't okay to mention around him? Goku's rules are simple: don't threaten his friends, don't threaten Sanzo, and if you're going to touch Sanzo, don't tell him lest you'd like to be kicked. Also, if you bring up his past, he can get irritable about it because he doesn't remember it. For the most part he shrugs it off, but if he's in a rare "mood" he'll get moody over it. (Especially since meeting Konzen, Kenren, and Tenpou--he's frustrated they wouldn't tell him anything, and that seeing them felt familiar but he still can't remember. So.)

Most importantly, don't remind him about Seiten Taisei. It's one of his few angst triggers, and one of the biggest as well.

Mentionable IC: Canonically, Goku is one of the strongest people. His healing capabilities are remarkable--what takes his companions a few days to a week to recover from, he can be on his feet and kicking in a day. What should have killed him was prevented once, though that was largely because Hakkai removed his limiter and Seiten Taisei went crazy-nuts and healed himself up nice and pretty in one go.

And speaking of the limiter--it's the most remarkable non-physical thing on Goku. It represses a great power that, when released, comes out in the form of a youkai we call Seiten Taisei. Where Goku is strong, Seiten Taisei is a fucking god-modder. Goku can heal rapidly, but Seiten Taisei has proven to possess the ability to draw energy from the earth itself and heal his wounds in a matter of minutes.

Goku also cares very intensely and openly about his friends. The people he's closest to now are Sanzo, Gojyo, Hakkai, and Rosalyn--he also has a protective streak for Fletcher, and a competitive/antagonizing thing for Stan. But I'm getting off-topic a bit here....

Abilities: Goku's nineteen now, so despite where I yoinked him from multiple canons, I'd say his abilities are about to where they would be just before the manga's Hazel arc. He can manipulate Nyoibou, a staff he can summon, and is pretty strong--he's broken pillars and boulders and impaled bodies with a blunt object. In the Kami-sama arc, he broke a falling temple chunk in half by kicking it. He can take quite a beating and, as noted before, heals rapidly.

Seiten Taisei on the other hand, can manipulate chi for both attacking and healing himself. Being that he's pretty much insane, however, he uses these only for his own benefit--when fighting he prefers to use claws and teeth. He fights to kill, no questions asked--the conscience Goku possesses is lacking--except on a couple rare occasions that involve only Sanzo.

Can I shapeshift / bodyswap / spit at / step on / etc.?: Sure, just ask first. Also, involving the limiter, to NOT toy with it under any circumstances unless it's been cleared with me first. If you want to remove it for any reason, you also have to contact Sanzo-mun and clear it with her.

Maim / Murder / Death: Anything that doesn't involve killing Goku is a go. I say this because I think I recall it being a request of Sanzo-mun--though maybe it was the other way around. Even so, plz don't kill him. Even if he comes back a truly pissed Sanzo is something Goku hates dealing with.

Cooking: Goku's learning to cook in camp, and so far I'd say he's doing decently. Nothing to write home about, but his food is passable and improving.

Kissing / Hugging: Goku doesn't mind physical contact, but outside of Rosalyn either weirds him out quite a bit. It's OK to do it, but his reaction won't always be favorable.

Notes for the Psychics: A constant underlying presence of Seiten Taisei will be there; if they get emotions out of it, they probably range along things like fury, bloodlust, hunger, etc.

As for Goku himself... well, his thought process tends to go in circles around the subjects of food, fighting, and Sanzo. He's aware of his feelings for Sanzo at this point, but not ready to do anything with them. Goku's really at the point in life where he's trying to decide what he wants to do with it once the mission's over (assuming he lives through it; he suspects he won't but doesn't dwell on it at all if he can help it) so... there's a bit of adolescent confusion in there.

Anything Else?: Goku doesn't care what you say--no one's cooking is better than Hakkai's.

I'll try to do one for Helios after work.
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