Random notes of Goku's character

Apr 18, 2006 14:48

So whilst on hiatus, I decided to take advantage of the lack of internet and brush up on Saiyuki. Lucky for me, the manga of Saiyuki Reload vol. 3 came out during that time, so I had the perfect chance to do a bit of studying into Goku's character. These are just some notes and theories I want to keep note of for future playing reference.

I'll add on when I can open the boxes with my Saiyuki manga and DVDs and actually go through those again. >_>;

Oh yeah. And there are major series spoilers, especially for recent chapters. Duh.

Saiyuki RELOAD vol 1
- When the winged youkai had Seika and was flying through the town, Sanzo told her to jump. As she did, Goku used his staff to propel himself into the air, and as he passed her, said a quick, "I'll get 'im for ya." This, to me, reinforces the events in vol. 2 and 3 with Kon; Goku can make children feel safe, because Seika wasn't scared at all, and Kon ends up having utmost trust in Goku's abilities to protect the town, even when he saw Goku was failing in the fight with Kougaiji.

- This is also the volume wherein Goku almost asks Sanzo what he'd do if he became irrepairably insane, as with Yakumo. When Sanzo said he would kill Goku if it came to that, Goku seemed to take and accept this. I take this as a way of him believing that if anyone must kill him, he'd rather it be Sanzo. Sanzo is someone he clearly trusts with his life and sanity.

Saiyuki RELOAD vol 2
- When Kon and Goku are tossed in the river and seperated from the others, Goku starts screaming for Sanzo, yet in the next chapter is the one with a cool head and forcing Kon to calm down when the boy almost falls into hysterics. He can take charge when needed (as proven in the original Saiyuki vol 9). Someone else's chaos seems to level him.

Saiyuki RELOAD vol 3
- Goku fighting Kougaiji--despite being knocked out and despite the injuries that pretty much caused it, once he regains consciousness he leaps right back into battle. This could be hinting toward the healing powers in the more recent chapters, wherein Seiten Taisei drew energy from the earth to heal himself. In this instance, it may not be so drastic--his wounds were not grievous, and the blood didn't go away. He just jumped back into the fight with renewed exuberance.

It's also possible this is a power he's always had, and could explain why he heals faster than the others. However, he doesn't seem to be aware of this ability, and can't consciously tap into it. It probably takes over when he's sleeping or somesuch, and isn't something too obvious, just enough that the average youkai goes, "Huh. That was fast."

- At this point, Goku's set an example for someone. The boy he saved (Kon) looked up to him with admiration. Goku seems very pleased about this, but doesn't brag about it--part of his maturing could hint that he's learning this is something he should just take pride in on his own; in other words, he doesn't need to show off, because this accomplishment is akin to self-fulfillment.

Trying to one-up Gojyo doesn't count.

Saiyuki RELOAD vol 5
- Throughout the last two volumes we get the idea Hazel dislikes youkai. Hakkai points out that Hazel refers to only Sanzo by name.

At the end of this volume, there's a disagreement between the two parties concerning whether or not a youkai child's life should be taken to revive a human baby. Hazel's plan to eradicate the world of youkai comes up, and of course there's disagreement on that as well. The following happens (translation from TokyoPop's version):

Hazel: Whatever the case may be. I don't think what I'm doin' is wrong. The next time we see that boy, if he's lost his mind... I'll do what I was plannin' to do. Ya'll would do the same.
Goku: ... fine. Wanna race? You guys wanna kill all th' youkai. Either you do that... or we'll stop the calamity thing first.
Hazel: My, my. You say some fascinatin' things, little feller. I'm sorry. It was Mister Goku, wasn't it? I accept th' challenge. And today, I'll be asking your forgiveness.

So of all three youkai--Hakkai, Gojyo, and Goku--it was Goku who won enough of Hazel's respect that he began to call him by name, in addition to Sanzo.

... more to be added if I can ever get a damn bookshelf and dig out my precious references.
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