Nov 28, 2004 23:34
So, now that I have a chance to sit down. I can post again. I went to my parents house last tuesday to spend what little time i actually had with them for the thanksgiving season. It was a really nice visit, but it's been nonstop going to work since i have come home. I left in the morning on friday to drive back to south carolina, got back in time to sit down for a minute, change clothes and go to work. Then I got to come home after that and go to sleep only to wake up the next morning and work again, but not just one shift... all fucking day long. Then, to worsen that, after my nice little 12 hour shift... i got to come home and go to sleep for a few hours and then... you guessed it... wake up this morning and go to work. But, thats all over now and here I am... off until 6 o'clock tomorrow... which is a much needed morning off.
Oooo... and on another good note... my manager... the really cranky one that looks like a pure cokehead (although i can never find any hint of evidence that he really is)... has to leave for a month and a half to go train one of the stores that is lacking in savannah, ga. So, this means my life at work should be a bit more laid back. I wont have to be constantly making a big deal out of doing work in the kitchen because it wont be like someones constantly waiting for me to screw up. which is generally what he does... just watches people.... he loves an excuse to go off on a rant.
So, on a non work subject.... does anyone have to "all in my head" mp3... with nelly and tim mcgraw... a very strange request coming from me I know... but i kinda like that song ... *hangs head in shame*.
On another random note... rocks my fucking socks.
I guess thats all for now...