Not-A-Stripe 4: Giving For the Thanks!

Nov 04, 2011 19:18

[Action: Morning to Afternoon - Mayfield High]

[If you happen to be unfortunate enough to have Taiga as a teacher for English, then she happens to be as energetic as ever, exaggerating about the lesson as always, going off on random tangents completely unrelated to the topic at hand before suddenly ending on a note that made it seem like she knew what she was doing. Well, she did, but her attempting to teach a coherent lesson became lazier with each passing day in Mayfield. Today, at least once for each of her classes in session, she abruptly stops to give this little gem.]

As you all know, Thanksgiving will be coming up shortly, a very important Western Holiday. Which, in America, of course...[She briefly trails off, eyes shifting in both directions as if the walls would suddenly team up against her for deviating from Mayfield's curriculum.] So! I'm assigning homework to all of you! To prove you are both giving and thankful for all of sens--MS. FUJIMURA'S WORK! [These Mayfield-isms are getting on her nerves.] are all going to make me something to eat and present it to me on Monday! And it has to be edible. And delicious. And not milk.

[Do you dare raise your voice against this ridiculous request?]

[Phone - Open]

Erm...alright, I'm sure that Halloween fiasco is fresh in everyone's minds. Call it pattern recognition, but, um...can any veterans tell me what to expect for Thanksgiving? Any giant turkeys attacking? Or something? [She's very unhappy about the best excuse for free food possibly having another disaster like the one a few days ago.]


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