EVERYONE: tell me your favorite driving songs. You have one. Everyone has one. Tell me what it is.
I officially made up my own smoothie at work. Jamba Juice has perks. And my smoothie fucking rules, I'll tell you that much.
I'm in a good mood today. I don't really have a reason to be. I'm
flat broke. My car still isn't fixed. I keep getting these really bad
bruises and I don't know where they're coming from. Some people suck sometimes. But, you know. Life
is okay.
Scariest Places On Earth marifuckingthon every night on ABC
Family. You just... you just don't understand. And then they cancelled
it and decided to play it two weeks out of every year. WHAT IS THAT.
Don't say noooo toooo piiiiills. Damn, Minus The Bear slays me.
We had a lady come into work today talking about how we should have vodka shots. She kept talking to herself and freaking out customers. I could not stop laughing. I guess I should feel bad, but I don't.
Basically, just tell me your favorite driving song.