Title: The Curve of You (is Curved on Me)
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Kurt/Blaine
Words: About 1600
Warnings/Spoilers: “Goodbye” (which is, really, both a spoiler and a warning). Also, there's some kissing and rolling around, so don't show this to the executives at FOX.
Summary: He hates how good this feels.
Author’s Note: Semi-obligatory Blaine-centric
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Comments 36
But not a huge whatever because this is just as precious as the earlier fic. Localized rainstorms all over my face.
And honestly, I'm with Kurt. Santana/Kurt/Blaine might make for an entertaining group of roommates, but I don't really know if it'd be fun for any of them. For us, maybe, but not for them. I love Santana, but she's still a little too fighty to make a good roommate.
This honestly would be ideal.
Thank you for writing this :D
And then I read the fic, and it was super cute and woobie-tastic. This was the perfect warm-and-fuzzy thing to end my night on, especially since mine consisted of a LOST marathon of season 2 episodes. Remember when Ben was "Henry Gale"? And asked if they had any milk? And the batshit glow-in-the-dark blast door map? I actually had to force myself to stop after SOS because if I didn't, I was going to stay up all night just to get to "Live Together, Die Alone" because DESMOND ORIGIN STORY. Anyways...
Locke, man. It's funny, because I remember watching the episodes for the first time and not really realizing what an ultimate bastard he was. But he's every bit as manipulative as Ben; he's just, in the end, not quite as good at it. And he's every bit as callous about other people's lives. Maybe even more so.
I still don't get why he was supposed to be the "good" one. He really isn't at all.
I'm in early s3 right now, so I'm still digging Locke. I seriously could not get enough of the antagonistic dynamic between him and Ben and Ben getting all "why does the island love you more than me?!" "The Man From Talahassee" and "The Man Behind the Curtain" are two of my top ten episodes of the series.
I almost want to skip ahead a few episodes to "Not in Portland" just so I can get to the good stuff--Juliet origin! Richard Alpert! Ben being a bastard! The first block of episodes is still kind of a slog to get through.
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