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Jan 07, 2005 15:44

maybe i should update?..i think so

well, this week my worst week ever..ughh..!
im not gonna go into details...

french- drew pictures
child development- worked on lesson plans
art- worked on my apple..
english- read a little packet thingy,went over vocab, watch part of Animatrix
history- quiz...eassyyyy!
lunch- em's 'birthday' is today, well not til tomorrow!..lol..sang, and just talked..lol
geometry- quiz..eassyyyy!
gym- omg..em kicked me while running, but like missed..then kicked me hard, then she said, aww Lisa!!..then ran and jumped on me..and i fell..lmao..it was the funniest thing ever!!..then during volleyball, she was hitting the ball, and used one hand, and put her foot in the air..it was great!..lol.."no, im not lieing!"..lol..wow!!
bio- had a test..BOMBED it!..then Britt had to see Mrs Weiland, and went outside..not knowing the doors lock after the bell..lol..she got locked out, so i hadda go open the door for her, and she was walking towards the main office..shes soo dumb!! lol..it was hilarious watching her!!

..so 8th & 9th period brightened up my whole week.

and tomorrow, i'm going to the mall and movies with Alyssa, Kristin, Heather, and Rick..
so, i'll prolly update after that..maybe..lol

<3 Lisa
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