Jul 08, 2004 00:15
So i decided that since its been over a month since i last wrote, i need to update. AND because someone told that i better update, and it had to be long. we'll see.
lifes been pretty good. Been working alot tho and thats never fun. but its nice to have money :)
SUMMER has definatly sucked. I think i can probably count on both my hands the amount of times ive actually went out. Thats pretty sad. Hopefully, ill start goin out more soon. it just sucks cuz theres never anything going on that i know of.
Im housesitting right now. Its been fun. i like being on my own and not having anyone tell me what to do. My last day here is friday tho. ive been here almost 8 days already.Im ready to sleep in my own bed again.
The fourth of july was fun. went swimming during the day with best friend HaNa, and my buddy MiKe. then me tasha mike and jenna went and watched fireworks. there was actually some cool ones but the freakin finale only lasted like 2 seconds. Dissapointment..
After fireworks came back here to the house and decided to have people over. I got to see jen and lisa again and i hadnt seen them in FOREVER. I didnt think they even knew who i was. haha. I had alot of fun that night. I hadnt hung out with the soccer people in awhile so it was good to see all them again.. even though i didnt get to sleep till like 4:30 in the morning and had to wake up at 7 for work. oh well, it was worth it.
went bowling on monday night with most of the same people that were at my house on the 4th and that was a lot of fun. i love bowling but i SUCKED ASS. saw mikey goodman again, and i hadnt seen him in a long time. i love that boy.
Havent really done anything else that great. Ive had to wake up early every morning this week for work and that has SUCKED ASS.i need to remind myself to not take anymore double shifts. they SUCK.
Anyways its time for me to go to sleep. Its been another long day.
It been alot of fun hanging out with all you girls, and the soccer girls and boys again.
GoodNite :)
Hey you, is this long enough for you?? lol